King's Business - 1922-12



and what liberalists have retained of Christianity has been revolutionized and modernized. But such denial and “modernization,” even if it were ju sti­ fiable, is not a secondary m a tte r; it is obviously a m atter of prim ary concern. F u rtherm o re, since th e theology which modern liberalists teach has no essen­ tial doctrines, it cannot be of any real worth. Indeed a theology which holds its own doctrines as secondary, non- vital opinions, and which teaches th a t th e church should doctrinally not stand for anything specific and should have no doctrinal test— such a theology can­ not be taken seriously. In th e eyes of those who do th e ir own thinking it is a creation of human dreams. A theology of such n atu re is destined to fail in its self-appointed task of successfully apol­ ogizing for its own pitiable existence. áte. g » a » MIRACLES Hume founded his celebrated argu ­ ment on th e imm utability of n atu ral laws—a m iracle reverses n atu ra l laws, bu t n atu ral laws are immutable; th e re­ fore, no evidence can prove a miracle. This argum ent, although it is fallacious in assum ing th a t m iracles reverse n a t­ u ral laws, is stronger th an most of the answers th a t theologians have made to it. John S tu art Mill has said, “Hume’s argum ent is good w ith the atheist, but not w ith those who believe in God.” To a man who' believes th a t God works over and by th e laws of nature, the arg u ­ ment is nonsense. Anyone can counter­ act the laws of nature, even th e great law of gravity. He can tak e a magnet and cause a needle to rise from the floor where gravity holds it. He can set up a lightning rod and control the n atu ral law of electricity. Cannot God do as much? Can He not control a law by some secret power in the law itself, or in some o ther law not yet perceived by us?— J. B. Walker.




E have already given some space to answering th e charge preferred against Dr. Torrey by Professor H. F.

Rail and th e editors of several Metho­ d ist periodicals. In spite of this the propaganda continues and . th e re , have come to us clippings not only from several Methodist periodicals bu t from daily newspapers in various p arts of th is country and Canada. These articles bear m arks of sim ilarity th a t would in­ dicate th a t they were sent out from some general source. In none of these articles has there been manifested th e jirst iota of fairness. This leads those who know the facts to conclude th a t the Methodist w riters behind them th ink th a t they have got hold of a good cudgel to use on Dr. Torrey and pre- m illennialists in general and th a t they intend to wield it to th e limit. We would not take fu rth e r space to comment upon th e m a tte r except for the fact th a t so many letters are coming to us from persons who have no fu rth e r knowledge th a n th a t gained through these prejudiced w riters. We will th erefo re briefly sum up th e m at­ ter. ' • When th e editor of the Christian Guardian charged th a t Dr. Torrey frequently and in th e most u n h esita t­ ing way referred to Jesus as K aiser Jesus, we stated very pointedly th a t this could only be classified as a “ bounc­ ing big lie” . Dr. Torrey is not given to doing any such thing and in all his many published sermons no such ex­ pression can be found although it is tru e th a t he has spoken of “Kaiser A ntichrist” .

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