King's Business - 1922-12



sem inary, “ condradict th a t which my professor taugh t me.” Well, It does tak e a good measure of courage to re­ ceive th e tru th when trad ition has held th e stage so long. It was no easy task for young Gideon to go out and break down th e altars of his fath e r bu t he did it. II. There is another reason why some men preach “ano th er gospel.” There is in these days a strong desire on the p a rt of many to be counted a- mong the “ intellectuals” ; to be con­ sidered “ up-to-date,” , “ ab reast of the tim es;” to be associated in th e ir th ink ­ ing w ith the “ best scholarship of the d a y ;” and the denial of much th a t has been, always believed among us seems to be a m ark of intellectual superiority. And so these men are denying th e Gene­ sis account of creation and are sub­ stitu tin g evolution. They deny the deity of Jesus Christ. They deny ttye virgin b irth and thereby cover Mary w ith a scarlet robe of shame. They deny all m iracles, they deny the resu r­ rection of th e body, the personal re­ tu rn of th e Lord, and proudly stand among th e intellectuals. III. There is one other reason why * men are preaching “ another gospel.” It is the S criptural reason. The “ god of th is world” possesses a terrib le blind­ ing power and when he finds a man in th e pulpit who is itching for praise and popularity the devil makes it his special business to blind th a t man to th e tru th , to make him believe a n d . preach “ ano ther gospel.” We are very plainly told in F irst Tim. 4 “ th a t in th e la tte r times some shall dep art from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy:’* and in second Tim. 4:3-4 the same apostle says: “F o r the tim e will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; b u t after th eir own lu st will they heap to themselves teachers having itching

fication in p art by law, and in p art by grace, and they seek to pu t th e believer under law as to his conduct as a be­ liever and thereby bring him into bond­ age. The tru th is th a t we honor God when we give to law and to grace th eir tru e places in the g reat salvation.' III. If the pulpit message denies the fact of sin and its gu ilt it is “another gospel.” This is the glaring erro r of Christian Science so called-. It denies the fact of sin, and if th e re be no sin, then th ere is no occasion for grace to act, for th ere is nothing th a t man needs to be saved from. IV. If th e pulpit message denies th e great fundam ental doctrines of ' the Word of God it is “ another gospel.” There is a kind of preaching much in vogue in these days th a t is called “mod­ ern .” It denies jaun tily every g reat doctrine of th e Bible: its inspiration, th e deity of Christ, th e virgin birth, th e miracles, the resurrection of the body and the personal re tu rn of the Lord. Why P reach Another Gospel? , I. There are some who preach “an ­ other gospel” because they do not know any better. Such preachers should, be prayed for, probably, ra th e r th an cen­ sured. They have th eir gospel by tra d i­ tion, not by revelation. They have not yet learned th a t no man has a righ t to preach save as he gets his message from God. They teach what they have been taugh t. I t seems like sacrilege to them to teach anything else. To teach th a t we are saved by grace alone; th a t law-keeping has no p art in it; th a t everything has been done by God in grace, and th a t a man is saved by ac­ cepting th a t which God has given him in pure grace;— this, to such a preacher, is the acme of presumption. It- is an overthrow ing of all the revered tra d i­ tions of his fathers. “ I cannot” , says th e young preacher ju st out of the

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