King's Business - 1922-12

THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S hoping and praying th a t God will bring him to the Bible In stitu te for his Bible train ing ere he goes out into the work of th e Lord. Another case which shows the sin­ cerity of the converts is th e one men­ tioned in a form er article— a man who had comm itted murder. Finding him in his rented house w ith some five or six men who roomed w ith him, I asked the men what they thought of him and all testified to his being a tru ly good Christian man, saying th a t th ere was a g reat change in his life. One of the men told me th a t they have found him at m idnight kneeling beside his cot praying for th eir conversion, and they said th a t they, too, would soon become Christians: This convert accompanied me to my auto and pressed a coin into my hand. Surely these are genuine evidences of a change of heart. Oh, how we do praise the Lord for perm itting us to bring His message to these men. The joy is worth more than all the wealth of th e world, for these converts are our joy and crpwn of re­ joicing. We have started a convert’s train ing class at Biola Hall, which we call the “One by One League” . They agree to give out a t least one trac t a day and ta lk to an unconverted man. We have but a small number a t present, bu t all seem quite enthusiastic and anxious to win souls for Christ. Please remember us in your prayers th a t God will give the increase. ^'4. ¿Mfc. ^

1258 tinued to visit them week afte r week giving them a message from the Gospel. When the opportune time came and the men seemed prepared to accept we cast the Gospel net, asking how many wanted to accept Christ, and five of the men, w ithout any hesitation, signified th eir desire to receive Je su s'C h rist as th eir personal Saviour.' Then, as usual, we explained ju st what was meant and all five men definitely accepted Christ. The following evening these men came to Los Angeles to our Bible class, which is held every Wednesday evening at Biola Hall, bringing one of th eir friends, who also accepted Christ as his Saviour. Converts Become Workers Often tim es we are asked if the con­ verts are tru e and sincere. We have in mind a young man who accepted Christ a little over a year ago in one of our camps. A little later he went to Garden City, Kansas, and became a helper in a small Mexican ’ Sunday School. The Christian Church of th a t town saw th e possibilities in th is young man and have undertak en his partial support and have sent him to the Phil­ lips University of Enid, Oklahoma, where he is now studying. When th is young man accepted Christ, the Lord gave us a prophecy rela tin g to his fu tu re and we told him th a t we believed th e Lord wanted him in His service. Now to th e praise of God he is p rep ar­ ing himself for His service, having con­ secrated himself to th e Lord. We are

WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.—Bible Classes and Personal Work, Street Meetings and Semi-Monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. result. Indifference is responsible for the lapse of many., The fanaticism of orthodox Judaism drives some away in disgust. Ensnarem ent by th e various false cults of the day still fu rth e r de- WHICH SHALL IT BE? WOOD—HAY-STUBBLE or UDAISM is slowly bu t surely losing ground. Each succeed­ ing year sees th e rank s of Israel gradually dwindling. Many causes are contributing to this

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