King's Business - 1922-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

of th e officers, giving an answer to one who h'ad met our B rother Goyette and was waiting to see him to find out about something in th e Word th a t had perplexed him. We had gone clear to the end of the pier to reach a passenger ship from San Francisco, and were Cor­ dially welcomed in giving the Word to th e men before they left for th e ir trip. We had finished about half an hour be­ fore the ship was to leave, and found th a t the gangway had been displaced to perm it a freigh t train of cars to unload certain m aterial. The young officer was courteous, and we. believe th a t this hin­ drance was of God for as we waited we poured into his ear th e wonderful Gos­ pel, th e good news th a t Christ had died for his sins. He accepted Christ and we gave him a Gospel of John to read in order th a t he m ight be grounded in the faith. This was all finished in tim e to enable him to see to the replacing of the gangway for the passengers th a t were coming and going. Going through another ship we found the men a t dinner and one of the men who was w aiting on table, bu t was un­ occupied at the tim e being, was ap­ proached. He was only a youth and had known th e tru th bu t had never decided. T h an k God he was brought to decide for Christ th a t day. Results On an Oil Barge Only two men were on one of th e oil barges for the Government; keeping watch while th e o th er men were on leave. One was saved but needed a vision th a t would help him to keep out th e things th a t would come in and

choke the Word and make him u n fru it­ ful. The other young man was indif­ ferent, bu t th e conversation arrested him and he wanted a Gospel of John th a t he m ight be convinced th a t Jesus was the Christ, th e Son of God; fo r he wanted to believe and have life through His name. We came upon fou r or five young fellows a t the noonday meal and one of the last to join th e group was ready to accept so we saw God again give the increase. A group of dining-room men on one of th e large passenger boats were ea t­ ing. We had dealt w ith one of the men in his room, bu t he didn’t w an a t th e time. A young man, seated a t the table, said he was brought up in a re­ ligious home and we tried to get him to tak e a Gospel 'of John as it not only convinces one as to salvation, b u t it has th e doctrines to ground a saved man and would be foodxun til he got himself a Bible of the type and size he desired; as a saved man Should live by every word th a t proceedeth out of th e mouth of God. He wasn’t quite ready, but another man who sat opposite him said he would take it, the hesitancy of the other forcing him to publicly stand for th e light he already had. A fter talking to him he acknowledged th a t he had eternal life because Christ had died for his sins. A g reat privilege was to give the- Word in th e ir own language to a Chi­ nese crew on a ship for Egypt, a West Indies crew who needed literatu re , a Japanese ship and some smaller boats carrying passengers and merchandise from Mexico, etc.

BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.—*Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting.

Meetings continuous

ARS and rum ors of wars ap­ parently constrain th e man on the street to prick up his ears and come a little closer to the

humble messenger of th e cross. This has been very noticeable during the past month as we have seen the sick man of Europe showing evidence of convales- THE ONLY BOND WORTH HAVING

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