King's Business - 1922-12


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

th e soul-winner does not know the blessed outcome of th a t personal touch. The Sequel The sequel is beautiful to relate. Picking up an evening paper, th is re­ stored one read th e them e of a certain pastor, for the Sunday service. He looked th e pastor up and discovered th a t it was his old pastor of th e days of long ago. Then followed a cutting of all the shore lines, a public confes­ sion and re-instatem ent as deacon in th a t church. But best of all, his fine young son was brought, through th e in­ fluence of th e father, to a personal faith in th e Lord Jesus Christ and dedicated his life for service. Somèone has said th a t if Biola H all never reached another soul th is one would more th an compen­ sate for all time, energy, money and prayers invested. This is but one of many who have been restored and saved, and did space perm it we could tèli of many others equally interesting. Biola H all is being won­ derfully blessed of God and the prayers of th e many friends are gloriously an ­ swered. Keen, intelligent business m en,' as well as homeless lads, sick, despond­ ent and away from home, are being reached and are coming back in God’s own way—-the way of the Cross. One of Uncle Sam’s lads stopped and listened to th e students who were giving th eir testimonies for Christ. Much im­ pressed, he accosted one of our men, inquiring who these clean-cut, in telli­ gent fellows were, for they appeared so different from the .ordinary, frowsy, Soapboax o rato r and aroused his curios­ ity. Through th is means the Lord Jesus was^presented and we have every reason to believe th e seed sown will be owned I and blessed of God in his conversion. All our Evangelistic Branches must be supported through the contribu­ tions of our friends.

cence. H en’s h earts haVe veritably been trem bling w ith fear because sin always makes cowards. The m ajority of men d rifting into Biola H all during th e past month are in th e class called “back­ sliders” and as our Lord has been pre­ sented in th e compassion and unchange­ ableness of His matchless grace, the message has been effective in the resto ration of many who seemingly are woefully ignorant of the tru e meaning of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. One man who had not darkened a church door for over'tw enty-eight years (one marvels a t the patience and long- suffering of God) came to Biola Hall at a time when the message was given by one who always presents a “message ru n ­ ning over w ith love. It certainly proved too much for th is w anderer to w ith­ stand. The personal touch and prayer were then used to fully restore. “O love th a t will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back th e life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be.” A W anderer B rought Home Another rem arkable case was >a man who testified one Monday night at the F isherm en ’s Club. He told of years of wandering from God though he had once been strong, aggressive and keen in th e service of our blessed Lord, but he had ju st drifted away like so many others, losing his in terest in prayer, the Word and personal testimony. It was th e .very strangeness of th e message heard from our entrance which arrested him , so different from many of th e mes­ sages in these days of easy professional­ ism. The little Welshman who dealt w ith him was surely used of God, first in the tactfu l and gracious invitation to come in, and then in his gentle leading to a word of prayer in our little back "power house” . It didn’t tak e long, for God was working. Then a grip of the hand as they separated, and to th is day

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