King's Business - 1922-12

¿Illimilll m in in ni m in ni ni ni ni ii num m i? ig H O M I L E T I C A L HE L P S g l III Suggestive Bible Readings I t SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIUIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHI Sermon Thought fo r Gal. 5:22, 23 LOVE— th e Life-reach. JOY— the Life-refreshment. PEACE— the fiife-rest. HlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllliaiiliiliiaNliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiauauiiiaiiai' 3. So great mercy, Psa. 103:11. 4. So great faith, Matt. 8:10. 5. So great a death, 2 Cor. 1:10. 6. So g reat salvation, Heb. 2:3. 7. So g reat a cloud of witnesses, Heb. 12:1. — H. K. D. SEVEN ASPECTS OF HOPE 1. Hope given, 2 Thess. 2:16. liiiiiiriiu iiiiiiiiiin i inni m m ni in in in in ni ni m in immilli mi m u illu n i mi li ni ni in inni ni

LONGSUFFERING— the Life-reprieve. GENTLENESS— th e Life-refinement. GOODNESS— th e Life-re-enforcement. FAITH— the Life-resource. MEEKNESS— th e L ife-relinquishment. TEMPERANCE— the L ife-restraint. OUR UNRULY MEMBERS T. Rom. 3:13. THROAT an open sepulchre of filth. 2. Rom. 3:14. MOUTHS full of curs­ ing and bitterness. 3. Rom. 3:15. FEET sw ift to evil. (Prov. 1:16) 4. 1 Jn. 2:16. EYES full of lust. (Prov. 27:20) 5. 2 Tim. 4:3-4. EARS th a t itch for error. ; 6. Isa. 59:3. FINGERS th a t dabble in iniquity. 7. Rom. 3:13. LIPS th a t dissem inate i poison. 8. Jas. 3:6-8. TONGUES th a t are uncontrollable. 9. Ps. 37:12. TEETH th a t would gnash upon others. 10. Ps. 75:5. NECKS held stiff with pride. 11. P s..26:10. HANDS th a t engage in mischief. 10. Ps. 75:5. NECKS held stiff with thoughts. f Rom. 6:13 The answer) Rom. 12:1 ^ Gal. 2:20 ||| j - K . L. B. • “SO GREAT” 1. So great a people, 1 Kings 3:9. 2. So g reat a God, Psa. 77:13.

2. Hope abounding, Rom. 15:13. 3. Hope in exercise, Rom. 8:25. 4. Hope as an anchor, Heb7 6:19. 5. Hope as an helmet, 1 Thess. 5:8. 6. Hope as an effect, 1 John 3:3. 7. Hope abiding, 1 Cor. 13:13. — JS. FS. GOD SENDING GIFTS 1. Jesus Christ sent as Saviour. 29 times mentioned as “ sen t” in Jo h n ’s Gospel. 2. Word of Salvation sent. Acts 13:2,6; Ps. 68:11. 3. Salvation and Redemption sent. Acts 28:28; Ps. 111:9. 4. “He h ath sent fo rth the Spirit of His Son.” Gal. 4:6. 5. “He shall send Jesus Christ, which was before preached unto you.” Acts 3:20. —J. T. Larsen, 1922. CONCERNING CHRIST’S COMING R etu rn to the a ir................1 Thess. 4:17 Resurrection of the dead ....l Thess. 4:16 R ap tu re of the living.........1 Cor. 15:52 Reception of us all.-.j.........1 Thess. 4:17 Revelation of th e Lord........ 1 John 3:2 Recompense of our deeds....1 Cor. 3:14 Rejoicing of united company....Rev. 5:9 ’Air—Norman F. Barrington. ETERNAL L IFE— SEVEN FEATURES John 4 :10 , 14 1. Condition-^-“Thou wouldst have asked of H im”— v. 10.

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