King's Business - 1922-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


elusion, never in the introduction, of a sermon: when th e conclusion is reached, if the preacher has done the best he could and has been aided by the Holy Spirit, th ere may he no need for apol­ ogy. B eal Zeal Let us take heed we do not sometimes call th a t zeal for God and His- gospel which is nothing else but our own tem-, pestuous and stormy passion. True zeal is a sweet, heavenly; and gentle flame, which m aketh us active for God;' but always w ithin th e sphere of love. It never calls for fire from heaven to con­ sume those th a t differ a little from us in th e ir apprehensions. It is like th a t kind of lightning (which philosophers speak of) th a t melts th e sword within, but singeth not the scabbard: it strives to save the soul, bu t h u rteth not the body.—-Cudworth. The Id eal F u n eral Service The following words by Rev. Thomas H. Hanna, concerning the ideal funeral service, it seems to us, are timely: “At the ideal funeral service, no lodge will have charge of th e exercises, p articularly if the man has been a mem­ ber of th e church. W hatever you may th ink of th e propriety or impropriety of a man belonging to such organiza­ tions while he is alive, certainly they should relinquish th e ir claim upon him as he sta rts through th e valley of the shadows. Personally, it is very hum il­ iating to me to be shoved aside in the home or a t th e grave by th e uniformed ‘chaplain’ of some m any-lettered or­ ganization. But I could swallow th a t as ju st a little pique, if th a t were all. But it is not all. I am th e re as th e rep­ resentative of the one divine in stitu ­ tion among men, th e Church of the liv­ ing Christ, to m inister to th e dead. And when these human organizations step in at such a solemn moment, for which even th e ir stou test advocates dare claim no divine authority, they seem to be

elevating themselves to a place level w ith the Church. As an ordained rep­ resentative of the Church of Christ, I have stood aside tw irling my thumbs while men whose morals I knew were ro tten clashed th e ir swords against the casket or sang songs which so far as the expression of any v ital and distinct Christian sentim ent is concerned m ight be used a t the funeral of the Grand Lama a t Lhassa, or read prayers made ‘for hum anity’s ' sake,' Amen.’ And whatever may have been th e fau lt of the Church in failing to provide w ithin herself th a t which men seem to crave and to find in these organizations, and however worthy the motives of the originators may have been, the impres­ sion they seem to give by thu s officiat­ ing as a religious organization, and the impression a g reat many men take, is th a t the lodge is ju st as good as the Church.” Surely it could n o t be out of place for the m inister to call to th e attention of bereaved ones, th e rig h t of the Church in such a case. Monthly Illustrations “Almost Thou P ersuadest Me” ' The following story was often used by Dr. J. W ilbur Chapman, illu strating the thought of a person being almost to th e point of salvation and then lost: The “Royal C harter” had been around th e world and was a t last homeward bound. She had reached Queenstown, and then sailed for Liverpool; tile message was telegraphed to Liverpool th a t she was almost home. Dr. W il­ liam M. Taylor, a g reat New York preacher, was then in Liverpool as pas­ to r, and th e wife of the first mate of th e “ Royal C harter” was a member of his church. You may remember th a t th e “ Royal C h arter” never came into Liverpool. An officer of my church told me th a t he waited on the dock all

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