King's Business - 1922-12

1226 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Association for its work in former years, bnt those who have been following the lessons have been compelled to witness the triumph of the enemies of >the Bible who, failing in their first attempt to control the Committee, turned their attention to the literature, where they were successful, and now are in the Saddle. The choice of the Committee of the Gospel of John for the new series is peculiarly favorable, as that book affords all necessary material for establishing the scholars in a firm belief in the inspiration of the Word of God and the certainty of all the fundamental doctrines. In justice to our subscribers we shall publish the helps for the Inter­ national series for 1923, as well as the new series in the Gospel of John, an outline of which will appear in the January number (reaching our readers about December first). The helps for the Gospel of John lesson for the first Sunday in January will be included in the January number instead of the December number, but following that the helps will 'be uniform with the International lesson helps. We covet the earnest prayers of The King’s Business family for this new series of lessons. •' —T. C. H. In an editorial in the October number of this magazine we called atten­ tion to the false position of Harry Emerson Fosdick, a Baptist minister, occupying the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church of New York City, and knowingly and with evident delight destroying the faith of the mem­ bers of that church by openly denying the confession of faith of the Pres­ byterian Church. We quoted at some length from ^verbatim report of one of his sermons in which, among other things, he imid : “They insist th a t we must all believe in th e historicity of certain special m iracles, pre-em inently in th e virgin b irth of our Lord; th a t we must believe in a special theory of inspiration— th a t th e original documents of Scripture, which of course we no longer possess, were in erran tly dictated to men a good deal as a man m ight dictate to a stenographer; th a t we must believe in a special theory of th e atonem ents—th a t the blood of our Lord, shed in a substitu tionary death, placates an alienated Deity and makes possible welcome for th e retu rn ing sinner; and th a t we must believe in th e second coming of our Lord upon th e clouds of Heaven to set up a m illennium here a,s th e only way in which God can bring history to a worthy denouement. * * * “To believe in virgin b irth as an explanation of g rea t personality is one of th e fam iliar ways in which th e ancient world was accustomed to account for unusual superiority.” - - Subsequently a writer in The Presbyterian, of Philadelphia, in an article scoring with unquestioned severity Mr. Fosdick, laid the blame at the door of the Presbytery of New York—the body to which the church is re­ sponsible—for not taking action in the matter. We heartily agree with this writer and want to say again, with intensi­ fied emphasis, that Mr. Fosdick is a guilty party to a gross violation of every known law of propriety. He knows he is violating the confession of faith of the Piesbyterian church. The officers of that particular church are guilty in permitting and abetting this violation of vows which they them­ selves have taken. The members' are guilty in permitting their officials to A PHLEGMATIC PRESBYTERY


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