King's Business - 1922-12



Jesus amonq

Jesus cvnoonq


though we can not see Jesus, He sees us, and can look rig h t down into our hearts. He says if we tre a t others kindly and are helpful, it is ju st the same as treating Him kindly! Let us remember th a t Jesus sees us, and see if we can tre a t Jesus better in our homes than we have been doing. Closing P rayer.—fDear Lord Jesus, we 1 th a n k thee for Thy love, and help us to show our love to Thee in our homes every day. m GOD-MADE MEN Of all people, the Christian is the last man to say th a t he Is self-made. Life is not w hat we make of it; it is what Christ makes of it. It may be th ere has been g reat failure in the past, bu t the past' need not in trude into the present. The Lord Jesus can stand between us and th a t fatal intrusion th a t poisons the springs of life. We may always trium ph in Christ, and th a t is God’s will concern­ ing All H is.people. I t is not try ing ; it is not self-effort; it is not the culture of selfS -but the crucifixion of self, th a t leads to victory. It is not self-develop­ ment, bu t self-denial; th a t is the way of God. It is not force, bu t faith th a t tells; and when faith is tr u e ,'it has all th e power of a habit, and the man who really believes, is as if he always had believed. Holiness does not belong to the future. Heaven won’t make any­ body holy. Holiness belongs to the present, and th a t is th e life th a t we are called on to live.— F. W. Ainley.

which could never be tak en away from her. Jesus m eant th a t He loves to have us spend tim e w ith Him, and not use all our time to do work, and things we w ant to do for ourselves. Jesus would have enjoyed having M artha sit down - w ith Mary and visit w ith Him, and not spe'hd all th e time He was th ere cooking. You know, boys and girls, there are so many, many people today who say they love Jesus, and yet they do not take tim e to hear w hat He has to say, by reading the Bible, His word. They go to church once in a while, bu t you know if we really and tru ly love any­ one, we like to be near him, and h ear him talk. Now we can no t see Jesus w ith these eyes, and h ear Him speak w ith a voice', bu t we can h ear Him speak to us through reading the Bible, and if we belong to Jesus, He is living in us, and helping us every day, yes, every moment. Now Jesus loved Mar­ th a, and her sister, and Lazarus. And boys and girls, this is such a beautiful memory verse, and you know we can put our names in it too, for Jesus loves every one. Jesus loves Charles, and Helen, and her s is te r,’ and Earl, etc. Children, where is th e fam ily now, and ' w hat has Jesus done for them? How pleasant was th e ir home to Him, how blessed has been His home to them . Let us ju st stop and th ink for a few m o # ments and see how we have treated Jesus in our homes th is past week. (Ju st have a few moments’ silence here; even the little folks will be impressed, and th ink of some of the things th a t they know have been w rong.) Even /


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