King's Business - 1922-12

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S glory— an Intercessor. Coming in th e clouds— a King! He was wrapped in swaddling clothes —He who had been clothed in glory. P ilate pu t a robe of purple upon Him. God will again clothe Him in glory. (Rev. 1:13-15) (6) THE STORY PUBLISHED, vs. 17- 20. “They made known abroad the saying.” ' The shepherds became the bearers of th e good news. They made it known abroad— everywhere— it has come down to us today. Songs of praise go up from millions of h earts, and some of us sing the new song, “He is coming ag ain !” The shepherds were the first mis­ sionaries. Notice the -steps in th eir m inistry: They were watching; they heard the word; they heeded the Word; they hastened to obey; they heralded th e Word; they honored God through th e Word. W hat a lim ited message they had. W hat a wonderful message we have. Let us make it known abroad, far and wide, “ till e a rth ’s rem otest nation has heard Messiah’s nam e.” QUESTIONS. (1) W hat revelation was given to Moses, th e shepherd, in th e w ilder­ ness? (Ex. 3:1-3.) (2) Was th e title of “ shepherd” given to God in the Old Testam ent? (Psa. 80 :1 .) ' (3) Did Christ apply th e title to Himself? (John 10:11-14.) (4) Are th ere false shepherds? How are they characterized by Jesus? (John 1 0 : 1 2 .) (5) Did God reveal Himself often in visions? (Gen. 46:2; Ezek. 1 :1 ; Dan., 2:19.) (6 ) W hat was th e g reatest revela­ tion of Jesus Christ to His disciples? (Luke 24:36-41.) (7) W hat was the echo of the an ­ gelic message given by th e people be­ fore His crucifixion? (Luke 19:37-38.)

1288 a King, the long-looked-for Messiah! F o r centuries His coming had been foretold. Every prophecy had to do w ith Him, bu t His hum iliation was as g reat as His exaltation. He emptied Himself (Phil. 2 :6-11). The announcement was made to lowly men about a lowly Man— lowly in birth, in life, in death. He became poor— a babe in a manger— th ere was no lower place. He was dependent upon His earth ly mother, as He was upon His heavenly F ather. He never took a step or u ttered a word w ithout H is F a th e r’s guidance and direction. (Psa. 40:8) “I d e lig h t to do th y 'w ill, O m y G od; y ea, th y la w is w ith in m y h e a r t.” He was a babe— the seed of the woman— th e one who was to bruise the head of th e serpent". (Gen. 3 :15 ; Gal. 4:4) “B n t w h en th e fu ln e s s o f th e tim e w a s com e, God s e n t fo rth h is Son, m ad e o f a w om an , m ad e u n d e r th e la w .” (4) . THE SAYING OF THE HOST, vs. 13, 14. “A m ultitude of the heavenly host.” The w aiting hosts of heaven break through the skies and join in the chorus of praise to God. (1 Ki. 22:19) “A nd h e sa id , H e a r th o u th e re fo re th e w o rd o f th e L o rd ; I sa w th e L o rd s ittin g on h is th ro n e , an d a ll th e h o st o f h eav en s ta n d in g by him on h is r ig h t h a n d a n d on h is le ft.” (Psa. 148:2) “P ra is e y e h im a ll h is a n g e ls ; p ra is e ye h im , a ll h is h o sts.” The message is 'one of ‘‘glory to God and peace to men.” The glory of God is the first and chief thing. God came down to earth and became a man in order th a t men m ight be brought to God. The ultim ate object of God is “ peace on e a rth ”. (5) THE SAVIOUH FOUND, vs. 15, 16. “They found th e babe.” , God’s words are all true. His Word leads to th e Saviour. The shepherds found Him before -the wise men. They did not go to verify th e message of the angel, bu t to realize it. They hastened. They found Him. In th e manger;—a Babe. On the cross— a Saviour. In the

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