King's Business - 1922-12

1228 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S about Jesus, about God. No more tb e Holy Spirit comes into our h earts. I beg him in these words: “ P reach Jesu s only Saviour, Him who died for sins. L et us pray. Let us fall to our knees for Christ to bless us.” ’ , , “ ‘Do many of the Chinese Christians feel as you do?’ “ ‘Yes, many. B u t many do no t speak much as ju st now it is not popular to so believe. Missionaries, too, believe in th is fashion—’all men, it seems, some­ tim es,’ a slight b reak in his voice.” Of the 6,000 missionaries in China, '2,000 of them are said to be followers of the latest fad of Satan, which is as old as the devil himself, hut clothed with some up-to-date garments. What kind of robbery is that which steals from men their faith in the Word of God and leaves them nothing better than the teaching of Confucius? What kind of robbery is that which emasculates the Book of books by taking from it its fundamental' truths? What kind of robbery is that which takes the money from Christian people for missionary work in China and then uses that money for the sup­ port of missionaries and teachers who are denying the Lord Jesus Christ who bought them and making the Christian religion a laughing stock in the eyes of the heathen ? How long will you be a party to such a crime? Let us declare war against this wicked propaganda in our own land, in foreign fields and against this wanton waste of consecrated funds. Cry aloud! spare no t! neither high nor low! and do it now! May God have compassion upon China and rid that land of these rebels against the truth. \ . —T. 0. H. PRAISE AND PRAYER Here are two strings of a harp which are tuned in perfect harmony and upon which you can play and give unceasing pleasure to our Father in Heaven: “ Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me” (Psa. 50:23). “ The prayer of the upright is his delight” (Prov. 15:8). These two strings are logically essential in a well balanced Christian life. We are inclined, perhaps, to lay more stress upon prayer than upon praise because we are inclined to be occupied with what we think aye our needs, forgetting that praise for blessings received is as essential as prayer for our needs. Then, again, praise for the blessings we enjoy leads logically to prayer in behalf of others who peed the very things for which we praise Him. The believer’s life is a supernatural life. It is the life of God, mani­ fested by the indwelling Holy Spirit, but it must be lived according to God’s natural laws. When properly understood and appreciated this_spiritual or “ Spirit-filled” life is a very simple life, and a. very natural life. “ Things”—no matter what that word may imply, nor how necessary they may seem to be for our comfort—can never bring peace or joy; but if, like Paul, having food and raiment you have learned to be content with such things as you have, then the note of praise will be always ringing out of your harmonious life.

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