King's Business - 1922-12



giving are shown in the following figures: The funds increased from $8,577,050.86 in 1919 to $11,854,404.23 in 1920, a gain of $3,277,353.37 in one year. Of th is amount, $7,195,463.04 was given in tith es and $4,658,941.19 in offerings for home and foreign mis­ sion work. The denom ination numbers 185,450, making a per capita contribu­ tion of $63.92 for all religious pur­ poses. Their faithfulness in stew ard­ ship is a worthy example for all tru e Christians. Now They’re Going to Show Us! There are not many things th a t the movie folks of California cannot do. The newspapers declare th a t the whole story of evolution is soon to be filmed. Prof. D itmar, of New York Zoological Society, is now getting desert scenes in California, having already secured pic­ tu res to illu strate the ice age, in the Rockies. It is declared th a t th is pic­ torial epitome of evolution will cover a period of 50,000,000 years. A scientific expedition in Asia is seeking the garden of Eden in order to supply missing links covering 450,000 years. Can you beat it? A g reat conglomeration of pictures pieced together by scientific guessers and put before th e world as th e story of creation! No doubt it will soon be show -; ing in our schools and churches. At last the evolutionists will have some­ thing w ith which to back up th e ir con­ tentions. Our young folks will be able to see th e process in actual operation. I t w ill' be th e ir only chance. Evolution and Baptism Some of th e B aptists are beginning to get uneasy lest all th eir distinctive doctrines are about to pass away. The a ttitu d e of the iiberalists w ithin their ranks toward the m atter of baptism is causing the concern. I t seems th a t bap­ tism teaches a doctrine uncongenial to those who accept the historical method of Scripture interpretation,, behind which is the evolutionary philosophy, because it does not picture a step in the progress of the spiritually living, but the burial of the totally dead, making the only progress possible to the n atu ra l man progress in corruption. When one who consistently accepts these doctrines is immersed, therefore, he denies his whole position, and so it is only logical th a t this group should d rift away from a rite th a t implies a doctrine. If the critics carry things out to the logical conclusion, th ere will soon be no excuse for any church to exist.

The Sheriff of Los Angeles County says th a t the average age of crim inals in the county is below 25, while 15 years ago it was 41. The L iterary Digest says th a t Los Angeles has th ree times as many m urders in proportion to popu­ lation as New York, and th a t it leads all other cities in the number of bur­ glaries and hold-ups. A Christless science and education are ju st sharpen­ ing the tools for crim inals. There is bu t one cure for sinful n atu re— th e new b irth— bu t ju st now th a t is out of fashion. F eather-bed F a ith The editor of the W estern Recorder never said tru e r words th an when he said th a t “ the supreme folly of the so- called ‘best m inds’, ‘intellectuals’ and popular w riters is th a t they are sa tu ra t­ ing the literatu re of our day w ith a false religion— a feather-bed faith th a t has no Christ. They are feeding the world up on a religion th a t flatters human pride, leaves out the cross and pretends to applaud Christ’s example. This they do, w ith selfishness th a t deceives them ­ selves, but is a stench in the nostrils of God. F o r they would steal the sweet fru its of Christianity, while they deny its essence and spurn its cross.” Twin Comrades Is it surprising th a t hand in hand with crime and lu st today walks ra­ tionalism? The Bible is not a fit book for the schoolroom, they say, and yet a school principal in a great American city is said to have declared th a t 90 per cent of the girls of his school swear profanely. C igarette smoking, swear­ ing, lu st and crime are th e tw in com­ rades of unbelief. Some of the liberal- ists will b itterly resent such a state­ ment, yet let them read the page of his­ tory and see wherein modern infidelity differs from ancient infidelity th a t stalked hand in hand w ith evil and m aterialism . Unless th ere is a g reat move back to the Bible, th ere will be a big crash one of these days in Ameri­ ca. Less th a n One P e r Cent Roger Babson, th e statistician, figures th a t the tith ing system, if adopted by the churches, would yield the churches of the land $4,000,000,000. He says th a t the church people are giving less th an one per cent of th e ir income to church missionary work. It is said th a t th e g reat strides of th e Seventh Day Adventist denom ination are due to the tith in g system which they make it a practice to observe. The resu lts of sucb

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