King's Business - 1922-12



The Beal Evolutionary Religion Extrem e evolutionists do not carry th eir theory to its logical conclusion w ith Mormonism. Joseph Smith said what every Utah Mormon believes, “God was once as we are now, and is an ex­ alted m a n ;” also “ And you have got to learn how to become Gods yourselves, th e same as all Gods have done before you”— J. of D., vi:4. A U tah professor published a book claim ing th a t Mormon- ism was the only scientific religion be­ cause it was th u s the only evolutionary one. . How can anybody stop sho rt of such conclusion if he makes evolution in itself a cause instead of a method of th e Supreme and etern al Cause; why can God Himself be set out from under such cause? Why do not people th ink these things th rough? Designating Funds Is the designating of m issionary money a remedy- for preventing the funds of' orthodox believers being used to advance the cause of liberalism? That is a question th a t is up in many a church ju st now. Dr. Van Osdell, of Grand Rapids (B ap tist), says th a t re­ cent conversations with m issionaries re­ tu rn ing from foreign fields have con­ vinced him th a t this is no safeguard. He makes- the following statem ents in his church paper: “Budgets are made up by committees on th e fields. The sums sent to th e fields are parcelled out there. Designated funds going into the hands of an individual missionary do not add to his salary, but .relieve the general fund of the mission to th a t extent for o ther purposes. The desig­ nated fund simply relieves th a t amount to be used for other persons, modernists or otherwise. Besides th ere is no indi­ vidual missionary able to teacb his own views w ithout regard to th e others on th e field. The teaching and policy of the mission, i s determ ined by the mission, and an individual cannot controvert or overthrow th e teaching of th e mission as a whole. He must adopt th e doctrines and policy of the mission or get out. It is unhestitatingly asserted by retu rned m issionaries th a t half of th e m issionaries on some fields are modernists. In Shanghai there are about th ree hundred m issionaries of all kinds, and probably one-half of them are modernists denying more or less of th e Bible. W hat opportunity for real evangelistic work can th ere be on a field where such conditions prevail? When accusations like th e foregoing are made, some one is ready to say, ‘Bring

on th e evidence.’ ‘The Boards are ready to hear any tangible evidence.’ Tangible evidence in abundance has been presented to th e Boards, retu rned m issionaries declare, bu t 4t has not been heeded.” : m m ACCIDENT OB GOD? K enneth Munroe, one of our sub­ scribers, w rites us as follows; “Why read romance when you can read the flights of imagination of Al­ b ert P. Mathews, Professor of Bio­ chem istry, of the University of Cincin­ nati. Man, the riddle of the Sphinx, is satisfactorily explained according to th e evolutionary theory of the gentle­ man, and, of course, God is unneces­ sary. “ In the Yale Review of Ja n u ary 5, 1922, we are enlightened: ‘Given time,, energy, and m atter, all is possible. At first these compounds are simple,1 bu t simple joins to simple and makes complex. Carbon, oxygen, n itro g e n ,’ hydrogen un ite to make am ino acids, which condense in the seas. They ac­ cum ulate there, for th ere is nothing to remove or destroy them , no bacteria, no molds. They in teract also. Slowly they condense to form every kind of complex molecules, emulsions are form­ ed. A slime appears in the pools . . It a ttracts to itself pieces like it in com­ position. W hat has happened? The universe is dividing into two parts, an individual, a slime, and all else. THIS IS A LIVING SLIME.’ “Very simple, is it not? Why did not some one th ink of this before, and put Moses on th e rig h t track before he wrote Genesis? In teresting?— shall we go on? “ ‘W hat is th e re in th a t colloidal foam, colorless and microscopic in size . . . ? Everything is in it: every plant, every animal, you and I . Thalt slime, trem bling w ith the faintest b reath of life, is the common grand­ p aren t of all th a t live. In it are all th e creatures of th e earth which have

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