King's Business - 1922-12

Give Books This Christmas

Entertaining Missionary Stories

Lives,of Great Missonaries Jeanne M. Serrell

Stories of devotion and heroism on the foreign Mission Fields. Records ot deeds of courage and devotion done on the mission fields of the world. Instinct with the spirit of the Great Commission, they retell, in a delightful and refresh­ ing way, the stories of the great missionaries—Carey, Judson, Paton, Livingston, Hudson Taylor, Mary Slessor, Coillard and others. Cloth, $1.25

Stones from Foreign Lands Cora Banks Pierce and Hazel Northrop The scenes of these fascinat­ ing tales are set in far off corners of the earth; children of Turkey, Persia, Armenia, Africa and **The Isles of the Sea” are portrayed with skilful hana, and given a wealth of interesting and yet nowise improbable adven­ ture. Well calculated to stim ulate interest in m is­ sionary endeavor, especially in junior circles. Cloth, $1.25

Lamplighters Across the Sea

India Inklings M argaret T. Applegarth Delightful stories for little folks of life and mission work in India, in Mrs. Apple- garth's best style. How could, any youngster take his eyes from such stories as "Church Bell Billy turns into a Bookseller" or "How G randfather ate his Rela­ tives”, especially when illus­ trated by the author in her own inim itable way. Cloth, $1.50

M argaret T. Applegarth In this book the boys and girls now have the story of the translation of the Bible into the language on mission fields and its wonderful in­ fluence in transform ing the life of the people of these ‘lands. Mrs. ^ Applegarth shows her usual unerring instinct for points of con­ tact . with the interests of children. She is also the author of "M issionary Stories for L ittle Folks”, F irst and Second Series. Cloth, $1.25

The Book of Missionary Heroes Basil Mathews

This book tells stories of the thrilling adventures and daring acts of the great heroes of sea and land who have faced perils among wild beasts and wilder men, to tell them of the love of God. Every story is not only historically true, but the narrative is accurate in detail. Cloth, $1.50 A Prince of the Church in India J. C. R. Ewing Christiana Forsyth in Fingoland W. P. Livingstone

A rem arkable record of. the life of Rev. Kali Charan Chatteryee, who was for forty- eight years a m issionary of Hoshyarpur, India. Dr. Ewing has drawn a noble pic­ tu re of a rich and devoted life. He has made no m issionary argum ent for one such man is w orth any expenditure. Cloth, 75c

Among the most fascinating annals of m issionary biography. Away off in Fingo­ land down in southeast Africa, Christiana Forsyth or "Smoyana,” as she was ador­ ingly called by the Kaffirs, gave th irty years oi her life to work among one of the wildest,, and m ost treacherous tribes in the dark continent. Cloth, $1.50

If money does not accompany order goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles 1315

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