King's Business - 1922-12

-|Give Books This Christmas r “Best” Books Books that are Exceptionally Helpful

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The Gospel for Today R. A. Torrey, D. D.

Our Glorious Hope

J. J. Ross, D. D. A study of the Nature, Ground, and In­ fluence of the Glorious Hope of Our Lord’s Second Coming. A new volume by the author of ‘‘The Kingdom in Mystery”, etc. Dr. Ross has taken hold of this much dis­ cussed tenet of the C hristian belief and lifts it out of the realm of controversy. ^He shows th at the doctrine of the Glorious Hope contains strength and com fort for the earnest believer, and deepens the joy of experience, devotion and service. Cloth, $1.25

A new volume of appealing addresses by the well'known evangelist ana Bible teacher. Characterized by unusual clearness of sta te ­ ment and absolute frankness of appeal, there is inspiration here for the general reader as well as helpful illustration for speakers and preachers. The C hristian Endeavor World says of Dr. Torrey’s sermons: ‘‘They are full of power. They have Moody’s earnest­ ness and pith. They are sound to the core. They will make revivals even in their printed form.” Cloth, $1.50

Evangelistic Sermons J. W ilbur Chapman» D.D. Edited and Compiled by Edgar W hitaker Work, D. D. Strong, fervid gospel ad ­ dresses, eminently charac- etristic of one of the great evangelists of his time. Dr. Work has used his editorial prerogatives with pronounced skill. As a result every paragraph is rem iniscent of Dr. Chapman and from every page of the book one seems to hear again the voice and compelling message of one who while living preached to possibly as many people as any man of his generation, who ‘‘being dead yet speak- eth. Cloth, $1.50

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

The Way of the Cross

Alexander Whyte, D. D. The great preacher and expositor discusses certain outstanding Bible types of prayer, such as those of Moses, Elijah, Job, Paul, and Christ, and in other sermons leads us into the considera­ tion of some aspects and methods of prayer, such as costliness, concentration, rev­ erence, the pleading note, the forgiving spirit, and the endless quest. “It is titanic,” writes Rev. J. M. E. Ross, “colossal? nothing like it in the whole literature of the subject. Cloth, $2.00

J. Gregory Mantle, D. D. This deepest teaching of the Cross is constructive and unitive and deserves rever­ ent pondering. It fills an alm ost vacant place in the literature of the subject. One of its practical excellences is its frank and skilful de­ lineation of the foundation work so requisite for the genuine upbuilding of a holy character. We know of no other book which, in a pop­ ular form gives such a plain and accurate account of the Way of the Cross. Cloth, $1.50

If money does not accompany order goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles ‘13 18

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