Carlos’s contributions to Whatcom’s campus and community included him serving as a Student Ambassador for the college and WCC Foundation, volunteering for the Bellingham Food Bank, the Washington Native Plant Society, and the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association. His educational experiences at Whatcom coupled with his community volunteer work played a key role in his decision to pursue a Master of Public Health degree.
2023 Award Winner Jessica Van Diest
Graduated Summer 1999 with a Medical Assisting Certificate, Winter 2020 with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree, and Winter 2023 with an Associate in Nursing degree
Jessica recieved three credentials from Whatcom Community College: a Medical Assisting certificate, an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree, and an Associate in Nursing degree. Jessica overcame significant barriers in her quest to become a nurse and did not let her learning disability or becoming a young mother stop her from pursuing her dreams. Her accomplishments demonstrated her hard work and resilience.
Jessica was nominated for the Laidlaw Award by the entire nursing faculty as her efforts struck a resounding chord. Here are some of things the WCC nursing faculty shared about Jessica: “She overcame substantial hurdles to arrive at her final nursing school success, being a full-time nursing student and single mom of two children. In addition, she persevered with scholastic excellence despite a learning disability. She was an excellent student, in all aspects, displayed professionalism and maturity that makes any educator glad to have her in class. Even in the graduation pinning of her cohort in Winter 2023, Jessica stepped up and was elected by her peers to be the Class Speaker, which she did gladly and very well!” Jessica was altruistic at heart, truly dedicated to her community. For example, she served as a first-aid volunteer for the Bellingham Bay marathon and volunteered 120 hours as a precepting nurse in the Peace Health Emergency Department. During COVID-19 she helped out on her parents’ farm to plant, grow, and harvest, and produced and donated over 3,000 pounds of fresh produce to the Ferndale food bank. Jessica was a role model, and is employed as a registered nurse.
2020-23 Triennial Report | 11
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