Triennial Report 2020-2023-flipping book

All Washington Academic Team WCC Students

2021-2022 Award Winners

Patty Hammer Graduated Spring 2012 with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree, and Fall 2021 with a Certificate - Substance Use Disorder Professional

When Patty Hammer worked as a certified peer counselor she realized that most of her clients were dealing with substance abuse. So, she decided to pursue a certificate in Substance Use Disorder Professional at Whatcom Community College. She was accepted to WCC in early 2020, just prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but was still able to pursue her certificate. Patty became a substance use disorder professional trainee at Lifeline Connections while working toward state certification.

Kennedy Lange Nursing Program Candidate

Kennedy Lange was honored to be nominated for the All-Washington Academic Team. Throughout her life, she worked hard to give her best effort and put her best foot forward. She was beyond thankful to all who supported her in her academic career, especially her parents, school teachers and peers. She is continuing her education in the healthcare field.

João Rios-Caldas Transfer Student Graduated Fall 2021 with an Associate in Business degree with honors

João Caldas was a member of Whatcom Community College’s international student population who graduated in 2021. He transferred to Baruch College in New York, and João said he “made the most of this opportunity at Baruch, just as I did at Whatcom.” He was passionate about finance and planned to manage portfolios. João was a part of the soccer team at WCC and continued playing the sport at Baruch College.

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