Making a difference: Outcomes for ARC supported research

ARC scheme information: Discovery Program

The Discovery Projects scheme supports excellent basic and applied research by individuals and teams. The scheme encourages high quality research environments; enhances international collaboration in research; expands Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; and enhances the scale and focus of research in the National Science and Research Priorities. The Discovery Indigenous scheme supports excellent basic and applied research and research training by Indigenous Australian researchers as individuals and as teams. The scheme develops the research expertise of Indigenous Australian researchers;

The Discovery Early Career Researcher Award scheme supports excellent basic and applied research by early-career researchers. researchers and promotes enhanced opportunities for diverse career pathways; enables research and The scheme advances promising early career research training in high quality and supportive environments; expands Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; and enhances the scale and focus of research in the National Science and Research Priorities.

supports and retains established Indigenous Australian researchers in Australian higher education institutions; and expands Australia’s knowledge base and research capability. The Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme attracts and retains outstanding researchers and research leaders of international reputation. The scheme supports ground-breaking, internationally competitive research; provides an excellent research training environment and exemplary mentorship to nurture early-career researchers; forges strong links among researchers, the international research community and/or industry; expands Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; and enhances the scale and

focus of research in the National Science and Research Priorities. The Future Fellowships scheme ensures that outstanding mid-career researchers are recruited and retained by Administering Organisations in continuing academic positions. The scheme builds collaboration across industry and/or research organisations and/ or disciplines; supports research in the National Science and Research Priorities that will result in economic, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and strengthens Australia’s research capacity by supporting innovative, internationally competitive research.


| Making a Difference : Outcomes of ARC supported research

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