

S horeline provides a wide variety of options for adolescents and children, ranging from education services

Know the Effects,

to treatment for more serious substance issues. Adolescent

groups usually range in age from 12 to 18-years-old. Special

arrangements can be made for those younger than 12 and

each case is approached on an individual basis. Adolescents

are educated about the effects and risks of their substance

use and are taught alternative activities or coping skills. They

also learn ways to deal with peer pressure and healthier ways

to communicate. We offer family services and encourage

family involvement through regular progress updates and

family support / therapy. Evidence has shown that family

involvement in a child’s treatment increases the likelihood

Know the Risks.

of a more successful outcome.

2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526 CONTACT US TODAY! 843-365-8884

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