King's Business - 1928-09


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

September 1928

On a church bulletin board in Los An­ geles the following arresting words were seen :i “A. man must either be a blessing or a blight; .he cannot be a blank." * * * In a booh on Dr. Arnold of Rugby, we are reminded that when an important controversy arose, Arnold’s remark was, “ I must write or I shall burst:’’ In some cases wouldn’t it be better to burst?: ♦ * * One editor remarks that the popular songs written by mental defectives seem to be more popular than others, The editor of the Palm Beach Post wants to know “What others?” Wisely put! What popular songs are there today that have any sense to them? ♦ * * Editor of the Los Angeles Times ad­ vises young men not to trust too much a girl who dopes her eyelashes, for “ she will not hesitate to put home-made icing on a store-bought cake!” * * * It is well so to live that you will not hate bill collectors. ♦ * * The Saturday Review offered a prize a few weeks ago for the best example of a brief conversation between Ananias and George Washington. The winning entry w as: Washington: “ Sir, I never told a lie.” , Ananias: “ Sir, I believe you.” ♦ * H e A lecturer recently declared at the out­ set o f uus lecture that he “ received his moral training at the knee o f a devout mother and across the knee of a deter­ mined father.” One wonders how many o f the oncoming generation will be en­ abled to make such a statement, ; » * * We are certainly “going some” these days. W e read that in points o f danger our highways resemble our machine- filled factories. W e have 3,000,000 miles of public roads. And one person is in­ jured annually for just about every four and one-sixth miles of highway. One per­ son is killed annually for about every 125-mile stretch of our roads.; One dead to every 29 injured—that’s about the proportion.. * * * The discovery of an old manuscript confirming the existence of Jesus Christ as an historical character, was recently reported. Harry Carr, news corres­ pondent, comments that “ the Christ doc­ trine doesn’t need any ancient manu­ scripts for corroboration.” It must have had an Author. “ The important point,” says Mr. Carr, “is that He left a doctrine and a faith so sane and practical that it is a protecting arm to every harassed soul.”

The Department o f Commerce an­ nounces that, according to the returns; received, there were in the United States 543 churches of the Spiritualists (Na­ tional Spiritualists’ Association) in 1926, with 41,233 members, as compared with 343 churches and 23,197 members re­ ported in 1916.

In the face o f active opposition from the floor" of the convention, the General Federation o f Women’s Clubs,- meeting at San Antonio, Texas, a few weeks ago, passed a resolution urging all members to attempt to introduce the study o f the Bible into public-school curriculum. ♦ * * It is stated that there are 20,000,000 men and women within our land today who are foreign-born, and their children num­ ber 25,000,000 more, and thirty-three of our largest cities are more foreign than native in their population. Here is a problem that should interest both church and state; * * * Should not some o f our leaders pause to consider tthat; anti-denominationalism cannot avoid developing into an increase in the number of dénominations ? This should b,e obvious upon a little reflection and it has abundant historical demonstra­ tion. Bishop Joseph Berry recently de­ clared that there is no more destructive heresy abroad now than propaganda that all churches are going to the dogs»; There are churches- that are certainly in a bad wayg. but what can save the’ situation but a great company o f faithful and cour­ ageous witnesses who will keep on preaching the Word in them in season and ouf o f season ? ♦ * * F o u r t e e n archeological expeditions, representing the United States, Great Britain, JUrçance, Germany, Italy, Austria and Da^rp^rk, have been visiting the Holy Land >tWi$ summer. Archeological re­ search in Palestine has received .a new impetus by the recent gift of $2,000,000 from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., for an archeological museum to . be built and equipped in Jerusalem by 1930. * * ♦ A questionnaire addressed to students at Yale University has brought to light the fact that the overwhelming majority of those that answered consider Napo­ leon and Mussolini to be the greatest men that have ever lived. The Christian En­ deavor World says editorially “The sad thing is that -we can declare as our heroes men whose whole history is a negation of the principles of Jesus, and yet not know that in so doing we have also denied Him. So long as the ideals of Napoleon and Mussolini appeal to us, we shall drift away from Christ.” * * * It is getting less and less difficult to take the prophetic statements pf Revela­ tion in the most literal sense.’ 'Who would have dreamed a few years ago of the possibility of such a warship as the Ger­ mans have now perfected and which made its trial trip successfully? This mysterious 12,000-ton vessel was steered by wireless from a torpedo boat destroyer, following her twelve miles astern. The ship was

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Los Angeles Times : “ Three stages o f man’s de­ velopment : Knows nothing and b e l i e v e s everything ; knows a little and doubts everything ; knows much and again believes.” * * * Christian Endeavor World: . gff'Churches havea dangerous way of becoming hospitals for the sick, citadels for the • acquiescent.” ;;, ♦ * * Lewis M. Hjawes, Warden Sing Sing Prison: Itijl'Persons whoare able to have eminent defense attor­ neys are seldom convicted of ; first-degree murder, and very rarely executed. A l,a r g e number o f those executed were too poor to hire a law­ yer, counsel being appointed by the State.” * * Prime Minister Baldwin before British Bible Society : , “ Nothing but the light which comes from this Book, can lighten the twilight or dispel the fog.” * * * Bishop Freeman of Washington : “ The Christian pulpit must not be converted into a ros­ trum for the discussion of political themes. It stultifies itself w h e r e it attempts, through an organized lobby, to influence the course of leg­ islative action.” * * * Dr. John A. Held : “ I am glad to say that no really great scientist has ever announced that the Bible is no longer tenable in the light of scientifically established facts.” L_____ _ i

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