King's Business - 1928-09

Christian Youth

Q/OU ARE INV ITED by these representatives of the hundreds of young men and women in the student body of the largest and best equipped Bible Institute west of Chicago, to join them in the study of the Word and apĀ­ proved methods of Christian Service

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Founded upon the Bible and with a sound and , efficient faculty pledged to Evangelical Bible Teaching and opposed to unscriptural extremes o f all sorts. ((Graduating efficient Christian Workers now being sought in increasing numbers by the Evangelical churches for work at home and abroad. ((Where the Spirit of Prayer prevails, and where students in training engage in many different kinds of Evangelistic work. ((School opens September 12th. Registration days September ioth and n th . For Bulletin containing full information, address Ex t ens i on Depa r tment , Bi bl e Ins t i tu t e o f Los Ang e l e s 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California Faculty: Dr. John M. Maclnnis, Dean Dr. Ralph Atkinson, A ssociate Dean Rev. John H. Hunter, Sec. o f the Faculty

Rev. W illiam H. Pike, Sec. o f Evening School Rev. Alan Pearce, Sec. of Correspondence School Rev. John A. Hubbard, Superintendent of Men Miss Ruth W alter, Superintendent of Women Rev. Albert E. Kelly, Student Secretary Dr. G. Campbell Morgan Rev. H. W . Kellogg Dr. Charles E. Hurlburt Miss Florence Chaffee Dr. John McNeill Miss Altai Davis Rev. Alva J. McClain MUSIC Prof. J. B. Trow bridge Prof. Raymond Conner Prof. Herbert G. Tovey Mrs. Alma K. Moss Prof. Christian M. B ocks Miss Louise W oodbridge Prof. Alfred Butler MEDICAL H. W . Boyd, M.D. Ross A. Harris, M.D. B. G. Pinkerton, M.D. Joseph Jacobs, M. D. F. Jean Holt, M. D. Margaret Morris, M.D.

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