King's Business - 1928-09


B u s i n e s s

T r i !

K i n g ’ s

September 1928

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ternational Missionary Council, A Call to Prayer.” W e wish to call special attention to the first and second of them and to “ A Call to Prayer.” The message of the Church is Christ. It is very assuring to find that the message of the church, according to this council, is Christ, not as one of many messages but as the message and supreme message- which alone meets the needs of the world. “ Our message is Jesus Christ . . . . The message o f the Church to the world is and must always remain the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the joyful message of redemp­ tion both here and hereafter, the gift of God to sinful man in Jesus Christ.” “ Herein liés, the Christian motive; it is simple. W e cannot live without Christ and we cannot bear to' think o f men liv­ ing without Him. W e cannot he content to live in a world that is un-Christlike. We cannot be idle while the yearning of His heart for His brethren is unsatisfied. “ Since Christ is the ^motive, the end of Christian missions fits in with that motive. Its end is' nothing less than the produc­ tion o f Christlike character in individ­ uals and Societies and nations through faith in.' -and fellowship with Christ the living Sdviour, and through corporate , sharing of life in a divine society. _ “ Christ: is four motive and Christ is our end. W e must give nothing less, and we can give nothing more.” “ The most thorough .and convincing in­ tellectual statement ■:o f Christianity is necessary,- but such statements cannot suffice'. The Gospel must be; expressed also in -simplicity and love, and offered to men’s hearts and minds by word and deed and lifefijby righteousness and loving- kindness, by 'justice, sympathy,' and com­ passion, by ministry to human needs and the deep want of the world.” The second deliverance is_ on Christian education. Here again Christ is brought to the forefront o f the message as Mas­ ter in this realm of thought and interest. His method -is the supreme method. “ If the supreme need in the develop­ ment of personality be the unifying power of a single dominant interest, and if this interest must be as fully as possible the embodiment pf the aesthetic, intellectual, and moral'.'ideals, while we would not deny the elements pf worth existing in other religions, we are convinced that Christianity alone can supply what educa­ tion requires. In Jesus Christ we have the example: o f perfect personality, full and harmonious, creative and. universal : in His Gospel o f the Kingdom the ex­ pression 1 o'f perfect human society ; in His Spirit thé power by which mankind can be individually and corporately trans­ formed. The experience of His follow­ ers o f all ages and o f all races demon­ strates that in proportion as they yield themselves to Him they are set free from selfish fears and ambitions, disclose fresh resources o f love and joy, peace and for­ titude, and set forward the abiding wel­ fare of the human family.” This whole statement on Christian,edu­ cation is worthy o f a most careful study on the part of those who are interested in this work. The council calls the church to prayer, recognizing that only through prayer the church will he able to accomplish its great task. They are asking for prayer for a missionary spirit, for a spirit of prayer,

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