King's Business - 1928-09


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

September 1928

erance on the other side have wrought wide dissensions in many communities in America. Instead of fighting eriror by the emphasis of truth, there has been too much splitting o f hairs, and too often an unchristian spirit of bitterness^ This has frequently resulted in depleted churches, and Has opened the way for the entrance o f still greater errors.’ ” The book can be read easily in a couple of hours, and the reviewer would ac­ knowledge his deep indebtedness to Dr. Erdman for a very pleasant and, profitable Sunday afternoon. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company. Price $1.50.—J. H. H. ' — o — Ruth the Moabitess and Other Bible Readings B y H e n r y M o o r h o u se (Pickering & Inglis, London. Price for 183-page book is $1.00.) A very refreshing and soul-satisfying book by the well-known English evangel­ ist. The author gives a splendid exposi­ tion o f the book of Ruth, drawing many practical lessons for the life of the Chris­ tian, The book also contains several Bible readings, other than Ruth, among them being “The Good Shepherd” ; “ Ambassa­ dors for Christ,” based on 2 Cor. 5 :20; “ Law and Grace”—Jn. 1 :17, etc. The book closes with very helpful “Words to Work­ ers.”—O. G. B. Should a Christian belong to secret so­ cieties? The author thinks not and has here a splendid little booklet setting forth his reasons. He quotes liberally from lodge authorities, showing their teachings; especially does he give us information concerning the oaths, etc. of Masonry. The Bible is also freely quoted, thus showing the relationship of one to the other. (National Christian Association, 850 W. Madison St., Chicago. Paper-covered booklet, 24 pages and priced 10d.) - HE—O, G. B. God Uses Little Things Someone has said: “We may be judged by the little things that we leave undone rather than by the big things we hope to do. Let us not forget that the major part of life is made up o f minor things. God uses little things. The fact that He uses some of us is a proof o f that fact.” I I Mi It Can’t Be Long Dr. F. B. Meyer says—"The end of this age is upon us. The signs of the Lord’s near return are very evident. It cannot be long to those who love; His manifested glory will be revealed. The revelation of our Lord may be expected at any moment. We are seeing the fulfillment of all that God has taught us to expect; we are liv­ ing on the very verge of eternity.” — o — Secret Societies in the Light of the Bible B y W il l ia m L e o n B r o w n

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