Bulletin 10.03.23

Snow Much Fun! Mr Julian Noad - Head of College

Sadly, I beg forgiveness from all involved since I have the good fortune of a ticket for another sporting encounter, at Twickenham. Also this weekend, we have silver Duke of Edinburgh training and for next week ’ s Crucible performances. If you have not got tickets, please head here. I mentioned last week, and I plug again, an Orchestral Festival, on Sunday 26 March, which is delivered in conjunction with our own resident professional orchestra, The Southern Sinfonia. Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested in this. It is a free event and a really fabulous opportunity to work with professional musicians for the day.

upon the independent school - choosing journey. I hope that the eventual report will capture all of what is brilliant about our school and encourage others to want to join. In other good news, many of our Year 13 are currently on tenterhooks awaiting university responses, which dribble in over a very extended period. Some have all offers in, others are still awaiting their first response. Two notable offers are for Smiley Chan, welcomed by Cambridge to read Natural Sciences and Hazel Dovey to Oxford, for English Literature, but well done to all who have applied and good luck to everyone. The weekend starts this evening with the pupil - led Queen ’ s Unplugged and continues with boys ’ hockey versus Exeter and girls ’ netball versus Blundell ’ s.

A brunch is being provided and there will be a concert in the Queen ’ s Hall for friends and family to end the day. Details including a QR code for sign up are here. Mrs N and the QCC (parents association) team ask me to mention their next meeting on Thursday 16 March, 3.30pm at the Head ’ s House, Wyvern House. Do come along if you're able. They will be discussing a fun family event planned for next term and also events for next year.

I sign off by bidding you a fabulous weekend.


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