Bulletin 10.03.23

Nursery Round - up Nursery News From Mrs Donna Kershaw - Highgrove Nursery Manager

The children in Tiggywinkles are using their book this week ‘ Walter ’ s wonderful web ’ to explore and discover shapes. This has encouraged them to look for familiar shapes they can see in the nursery environment. The story has also led to investigation of construction, with conversation about how big our tower of bricks can be before they fall down. Puddleducks children have enjoyed playing in their shop role play area this week. There has been inclusion of recycled resources, fruit and vegetables to further support their imaginative play. The fruit and vegetables have also been used to support development of their physical skills through using knives to cut them, whilst engaging in conversations about textures, tastes and look of food. The snowfall on Wednesday was, for many of the children at Highgrove, a new experience and they explored it in different ways. From making snowmen to discovering what happens when it melts. Even the youngest children had the opportunity to explore the snow when it was brought in for them to play with.

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