Bulletin 10.03.23

Prep School Year 1

Year 1 have been developing their knowledge of plants across lots of lessons. They have started writing their own adaptation of ‘ Jack and the Beanstalk ’. They have written and drawn some creative story maps such as Lizzie climbing up an enormous apple tree or Lulu climbing up a spiky cactus. In their Outdoor Education lessons, the children have planted a range of wildflower seeds and some herbs on Hutton Lawn. Hopefully, over the next few Outdoor Education lessons, they will start to see them grow. In Science, the pupils conducted an experiment using kidney beans. They placed them into a plastic bag with a wet paper towel and placed them up against the window. The children are hoping to observe what happens to them. We predicted that the seed might start to grow some roots, even though there is no soil!

Year 5 Trip to Royal Mint

On Monday, Year 5 travelled to the Royal Mint in Cardiff. They spent the day learning about the history of coinage and the part the Royal Mint plays in minting coins for up to 60 countries worldwide! As well as seeing the actual production process for themselves, many of the children took the opportunity to strike their own 50 pence coin. They also participated in an informative workshop and created individual designs which were then made into distinctive coin badges. A superb day out which was enjoyed by children and staff alike. More photos on Facebook.

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