Copy of Professional July - August 2024 (Sample)


Market Insight Survey 2024 results: how are we performing against your expectations?

Sarah Winnett MCIM ACIPP, the CIPP marketing manager, explores the results of the 2024 survey and your feedback on our products and services

A s a membership organisation, and like any business, it’s critical that the CIPP continually monitors the level of service, as well as the relevance of the products and services we provide to industry and our members. The four main objectives of this year’s survey were: 1. To measure and evaluate customer satisfaction and experience with our members, stakeholders and industry professionals. 2. To review existing products, services and business areas, to establish what you value most, and where we can improve. 3. To ensure we’re aware of issues facing industry, to communicate and position the products and services effectively. 4. To assist the CIPP board and senior management team in producing the 2024/25 strategy and business plans.

Customer satisfaction and experience

over the last 12 months, and if so, to rate their experience. We received a total score of 8.7 out of 10 which corresponds with the overall NPS score as ‘excellent’. As a key membership benefit, we also asked respondents about contact with the Advisory Service, to examine customer satisfaction levels. 80% of respondents had been in touch with our advisory team and rated the service 8.7 out of 10. This mirrors our overall service level score, and when reviewing last year’s score, shows consistent levels of excellent customer service from the team. Due to growth across digital marketing channels, particularly for a younger target audience, this continues to be at the heart of our marketing strategy moving forward. These channels have seen continuous growth in the last 12 months, so it’s important we continue to analyse and improve our online engagement.

A net promoter score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and satisfaction. Looking at industry averages, scores of 0-20 are considered ‘fair’, between 20-50 ‘good’, 50-70 ‘excellent’ and anything over 70 ‘exceptional’. We asked respondents if they would recommend the CIPP and reassuringly, the NPS for 2024, based on those who completed this survey, was 57. We started the NPS in 2020, and back then, scored 48, averaging ‘good’, so we’re delighted that by 2024, we’re now reaching ‘excellent’ and are continuing to improve our level of service. The questions throughout the Market Insight Survey (MIS) then sought to gain further insight into this score and identify the areas in which we excel, as well as areas for improvement. As one of our main objectives was to measure customer satisfaction and evaluate your experiences of interacting with us, we also asked respondents to confirm whether they had been in contact with us

Our digital strategy Our website attracts thousands of visitors

Our net promoter score for 2024 was 57.

Survey respondents rated the level of customer service provided by the CIPP as ‘excellent’.

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | July - August 2024 | Issue 102 14

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