Copy of Professional July - August 2024 (Sample)


various topics including umbrella payroll, global payroll news, poll results from our website, free webinars and automatic enrolment. These will all be discussed as part of the content plan moving forward and we always encourage you to contribute any topics you wish to see via the various feedback mechanisms in place as part of your membership. Diving further into our main channel of LinkedIn, 76% told us that they weren’t part of our LinkedIn closed group. While this has grown to an international audience of 13,000+ individuals, further content on holiday pay, pensions, payroll cycles and compliance was requested, as well as more free webinars and facilitation of networking in the group. These ideas will be shared for further development, as we recognise the need to reward loyalty and encourage group participation. Existing products, services and business areas review 81% of those responding regarding membership grade were aware of their membership benefits. We asked members how they would therefore rate each of the 18 benefits based on their membership grade.195 responded and the top five benefits rated were: 1. The Advisory Service 2. Annual Tax Pack 3. BeConnected national forums 4. BeKnowledgeable webinar series 5. Benchmarking Report. When comparing data with our 2023 and 2022 surveys, the trend shows that the reliance on each member benefit changes slightly year on year. However,

Survey respondents indicated how often they use the CIPP website.

each month and so it’s important to continue to gauge the user experience. We started by asking how often respondents used our website and the majority (69%) use it weekly and monthly, which is consistent with the 2023 results. The majority felt the site was user- friendly, with 60% rating it ‘good’ and 32% rating it as ‘excellent – easy to use’. 87% felt the content was good and they didn’t feel anything vital was missing, 11% said it was ‘okay, but needed improvement’ and 2% felt it was ‘difficult to navigate’. When asked what content you would find useful, 15% fed back ideas as shown overleaf and this has been shared internally for consideration moving forward. We want all our products, services and news updates to be easily accessible via our website and for the member area to be engaging and offer value. A website

project is currently underway to improve the website user journey and experience, so this feedback will be incorporated into the audit. Our social channels have seen a 12.5% increase in followers since the 2023 MIS report, with our following currently at 30,000+ across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). 87% of respondents follow us on LinkedIn, 34% on Facebook, 18% on Instagram and 14% on Twitter. Respondents told us that LinkedIn and Facebook were their preferred professional platforms, and that they followed the CIPP as it provided ‘real time updates’ and ‘advice from within the industry’, all from a ‘reliable source’. This marries with 98% stating that the CIPP social content was ‘relevant’ or ‘extremely relevant’. We then asked if there was any additional content we could share to provide further value. Requests covered


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 102 | July - August 2024

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