Chair’s message
Chief executive officer Jason Davenport MCIPP MloD CIPP board of directors Sohail Butt ACIPP Louise Gray ChMCIPPdip Stuart Hall MCIPPdip Dianne Hoodless MSc ChFCIPP FHEA Ana Laiu MSc FCIPPdip Brendan Mulkern FCIPP Justine Riccomini MSc FFTA AIPA Chartered MCIPD ChFCIPP Lara Smart ChFCIPPdip Brian Sparling ChFCIPPdip Cliff Vidgeon BA (Hons) CMA ACG ChFCIPP Clare Warrington MSc FCIPPdip AFHEA Editor Kavitha Sivasubramaniam Advertising Daniel Cull 07795 652645 | Design James Bartlett and Nicole Davis Printing Acorn Press Ltd
So much happens behind closed doors in the payroll industry; from government consultations which impact payroll policy, to software development to ensure payroll can be run smoothly and efficiently. It’s therefore important to look at all the unseen work carried out by the payroll department.
The summer has finally arrived and it’s a real treat being able to sit in the garden on an evening and watch the world go by after a busy day of payroll. Hopefully you are getting the chance to take some time out of work to recharge the batteries before the kids go back to school and the autumn nights start to draw in. So much happens in payroll that appears seamless to the outside world. When we see changes to legislation there has often been prior engagement with payroll professionals, analysing the change and raising comments and concerns on consultations instigated by government. They are regularly providing their payroll expertise on the impact to the payslip and other payments and deductions, or the clash of regulations. This is a critical part of any change as it ensures our payroll systems and payroll teams can process the outputs of a change to regulations. This also applies to changes or upgrades to payroll systems. The first thing an employee normally sees is a change to the way they access their payslip, which is the end result of a system change. And all of this on top of the day job. You really are superheroes working in the shadows! Remember, your membership gives you access to lots of tools, from advisory to consultancy and qualifications. The CIPP team is here to help so just get in touch.
Clare Warrington MSc FCIPPdip AFHEA ( Chair, CIPP
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Welcome to this issue of the magazine. With the theme being ‘ Behind the scenes’ , I thought I would touch upon some key actions that you all have to consider, especially as we’re moving into the holiday season. Succession planning is a key element of ensuring team members are skilled enough to be able to cover for each other throughout the
holiday period. This means training and ensuring individuals have an opportunity to take on additional tasks, empowering them during times of full attendance. By doing so they can be prepared to take the reins and stand in when asked, with processes and procedures in place to support them. The mention of procedures also challenges you to ensure the policies in place are understood by all using them, and if updates are necessary, steps are taken to ensure everyone is familiar with the change. Being prepared within such a fast-paced environment as payroll also necessitates horizon scanning all the time – to know what’s coming up and anticipate how that might impact you and your team. If you’re an in-house team, then very likely your internal stakeholders will be aware of holidays. For those providing payroll services via a bureau then client communications should also include any additional information about changing contact points for the period of cover, should that be needed. Doing that in good time enables the opportunity for clients to be familiarised with the change and to get to know new team members, should that be the case. Here at the CIPP and IPP Education Ltd, we continually look at individuals’ career plans and aspirations as we recognise that to be an employer of choice it’s important to present new opportunities which create challenge and growth, while also ensuring all key deliverables of the company are met. I do hope you all get to enjoy your planned leave and that actions are in place to ensure you can relax, recharge and focus on friends, family or just yourself during your downtime.
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Trademarks The CIPP logo, the initials ‘CIPP’ and the words ‘Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward’ and ‘CIPP Consult’ are trademarks of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals. Copyright: The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals 2024. The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals, Goldfinger House, 245 Cranmore Boulevard, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4ZL. Switchboard 0121 712 1000
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Professionals in whom the copyright is vested. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the CIPP or the editor. The information and comment contained in this publication are given in good faith, their accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed.
Jason Davenport MCIPP MIoD ( Chief executive officer, CIPP
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | July - August 2024 | Issue 102 2
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