IMGL Magazine July 2022

IMGL autumn conference

Metaverse transform business models, revenue streams and customer engagement? Panellists will discuss recent trends and interest from industry participants in setting up NFT games and implementing their versions of the Metaverse, combining NFTs, digital assets, gaming, and gambling in both Web2 and Web3 environments. We will look at reasons behind the drive in popularity of new tech and the strategic, technological, legal, and practical considerations for brands looking to explore the market. Global regulatory outlooks are our next themed set of panel discussions. We will traverse global markets with insight into key territories, such as: Emerging Markets: New Territories in LatAm, Africa, Eastern Europe International operators are hungry to identify fresh business opportunities in grey/emerging markets across the world This panel will offer an overall view across the continents focusing on those jurisdictions that could potentially become the next destination for operators looking for lighter operational conditions and a more financially sustainable as well as profitable way of conducting their business. UK – Review of the Gambling Act 2005 – a sign of things to come for the global gaming industry? On home territory, the UK Government is still promising to publish a complete overhaul of the jurisdiction’s gambling laws. As one of the world’s most mature regulatory regimes updates its laws, one can’t help but see this as a blueprint for similar re-evaluations around the world. This panel will consider the main issues being considered by the Review and will seek to identify the threats and opportunities it presents. US / Canada Updates Much has happened in North America in the past year.

Ontario, Canada successfully launched online sports betting and casino. Numerous U.S. states launched land-based and online sports betting. Esports is gaining traction. However, iGaming as a product vertical is still slow to expand. The panel will also debate whether the current trends in player acquisition will prove a sustainable business model in North America. Single customer view - a realistic and deliverable harm reduction strategy? Politicians, legislators, regulators, and operators are all looking for ways to protect consumers, but no one has come up with the perfect solution to keep all players from being harmed by gambling. When players gamble across a host of different operators’ sites, harm protection becomes even more challenging. This panel will take a deep dive into the many stakeholder considerations and discuss current and potential initiatives and expected impacts. Is there a technological fix for this? London will also take a look at big business, the political dynamics and public policy discourse at play in times of significant regulatory, social and cultural change: The global business perspective - relationship building with key stakeholders in turbulent times Our panel will explore the relationship between the gambling industry and its key stakeholders across the business, finance and regulator communities. What lessons can be learned from recent instances of major regulatory enforcement. Where do opportunities lie for successful long-term growth, resilience and stability within the industry? Can the industry can successfully deal with challenges brought about by swings in the regulatory pendulum, navigate an increasingly competitive business marketplace and refresh its focus on ethical and sustainable business models?

54 • IMGL Magazine • July 2022

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