Biola Broadcaster - 1973-09


Q. Portland, Ore. "What can be done when a wife believes in tith­ ing while her husband does not?" A. This situation, or its reverse, oc­ curs in many Christian homes. The principle must always be that the husband is the head of the house­ hold. The Bible, despite modern attempts at liberation, does strong­ ly indicate the importance of sub­ jection. If the husband will not allow his money to be used for the Lord's work, the wife must con­ form to this. The Lord understands the situation. Many Christian wo­ men have given to God's work out of their grocery money. They have shopped as wisely as possible (which is necessary especially to­ day) and have been able to do as the widow of old who gave her mite. It is the attitude of heart which makes all the difference. The

Lord is not impoverished; He wants our total dedication first of all. The wife's whole desire should be to do the very best she can and not to provide any offense to her hus­ band to keep him from coming to Christ. Pray for him faithfully that he may recognize his responsibil­ ity and the wonderful privilege of returning to the Lord a portion of what God has entrusted to his hands. Q. Chico, Calif. "/ heard that the original calendar year consisted of 13 months of 28 days each, total­ ling 364 days. If this is true, would it not change some dates of proph­ ecy such as the forty-two months referred to in Revelation 13:5?" A. The Hebrew calendar was the 28-day month based on a lunar system. It was computed so that there was a leap-year month every Page 15

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