sight. Even our "little" sins are heinous. This is why the Lord did everything possible to redeem us from evil in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our redemption. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. "Is there any prophecy yet to be fulfilled be fore Christ could come? Has Mat thew 24:14 been fulfilled?" A. We firmly believe that there is no prophecy yet to be fulfilled be fore our Lord calls the Church to be with Himself at the Rapture (I Corinthians 15:50-58; I Thessa- lonians 4:13-18). This could hap pen at any time. All prophecy con cerning the end of the age, with violence, apostasy, and perilous times are now upon us. Matthew 24:14 indicates that the "gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The question revolves around an interpretation of "the end." An understanding of dispen sations is helpful as we consider which age is spoken of here. The first two verses speak of the de struction of the temple. The end of the Jewish age came as an in terruption at Calvary. That refers to the latter part of Daniel's 70th week. The message of this Gospel will be that the King is coming. This must take place after the Rap ture and before our Lord sets up His millennial reign. Q. Whittier, Calif. "What should a Christian's point of view be toward capital punishment?" A. There is only one position on this subject which must coincide directly with the Bible. Under cer
tain conditions capital punishment must be enforced. In Genesis 9:6 we find a great pronouncement concerning man's relationship to his fellow man. It is the basic foun dation for all human government. In Romans 13:4 this same fact is presented from the New Testa ment point of view. We certainly believe that capital punishment is scriptural and God-ordained. The entire matter must be handled care fully, not as a means of vengeance or of getting even. It must be seen from the standpoint of meting out justice upon men who are offend ers. The penalty should always be commensurate with the crime. Q. Lapeer, Mich. "Does Satan know our thoughts?" A. We know that the arch enemy of our soul does exercise great power in many areas. He is not, however, like God who is omni present, omniscient and omnipo tent. The devil does not have any of these attributes. We know he has a great kingdom with follow ers, or demonic forces, who carry out his evil requests and com mands. This is why he may appear to have such characteristics (Mat thew 12:25). Satan was a created being (Ezekiel 28:11-15). Omni science, as an example, is a mark of Deity alone. This is why the Pharisees were so amazed at Jesus of Nazareth who could say in Mat thew 9:4 that He knew their hearts. You may be sure that the devil does not know our thoughts. He may seem to know them, but it is be cause we inadvertently let them out. Q. Henderson, Nev. "Are the books Page 21
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