logically desolute. Even today we find that every phase of Egypt's formerly productive society is at a standstill. Q. Yakima, Wash. "It seems to me that there is a contradiction be tween John 6:44 where it says, 'No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him,' and the passage in John 14:6 which simply says, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.' How would you explain this?" A. You may feel the apparent problem is simply that in the first passage the Father draws the indi vidual while in the latter Jesus Christ is the One who is the instru ment. When you consider that Jesus Christ is God and a part of the Trinity, there is no contradiction. These verses present two sides of exactly the same truth. There may also be a seeming contradiction in the minds of men in trying to rec oncile the foreordination of God with the free-will He has given to each of us. Both these points of view are presented in Scripture, and both of them are equally true. When we get to glory we will un derstand the full significance of these magnificent truths. We preach "Whosoever will may come," yet it is Cod who brings to salvation those who should be saved. It is the individual's respon sibility as to whether he accepts Jesus Christ as his Saviour. No man can go away saying that it is up to Cod. Each of us must decide for himself. Eternal punishment and separation from God is of course the result for those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
mentioned in Revelation 5:1, 13:8 and 20:15 all different books?" A. The volume mentioned in the last two references is the Book of Life which will be opened, not that Cod might see what has been writ ten there, but so that the individual sinner, standing before the great white throne judgment seat can see that his name has not been in scribed there. In Revelation 5:1 we find another book altogether. It has been suggested that this book contains the title deed to the earth. Keep in mind, Cod has not actually lost control of this world. What goes on now, under the direction of Satan, is by His permissive will. The time of the Gentiles will end according to the Lord's calendar. The book is also referred to in Rev elation 10:1-2 in giving us an ex cellent picture of Christ. Q. Jacksonville, Fla. "W ill you please explain Isaiah 19:15 which says, 'Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do'?" A. Read through the entire 19th chapter and you will find that Egypt would be heading for a decline. This may seem common place to us today because we tend to forget the tremendous power and prestige which they once enjoyed above all nations. Cod took Israel from the tremendous power of Egypt and built her up into the nation she is even today. Isaiah, under the in spiration of the Holy Spirit, saw that the land of the mighty Pharaohs would go into a period of obscur ity through decline and ruin. The nation that was called in Scripture "the garden of God" is today eco
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