Biola Broadcaster - 1973-09


All of us, like the Apostle Paul, are embarked on a spiritual jour­ ney, not only from earth to heav­ en, but also one which is beset with conflict and warfare against those forces which would seek to overthrow God's program and purpose. None of us is perfect, and yet that does not mean we should fail in our striving for the Lord. This is why we are urged to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us. We must run with patience the race which is set be­ fore us (Hebrews 12:1, 2). Paul longed to be more like Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:10-14). The Christian life is a race which calls for self-denial, concentration, spiritual ambition, and endurance unto the end. The Olympic run­ ners were striving for a corruptible crown, but the Christian looks for that which is incorruptible. Too few people give much of an im­ pression about the seriousness of the race and the prize which is at stake. Many have slumped down in slumber, while others have

paused to take refreshment along the way. Some carry unnecessary heavy burdens over their shoul­ ders, or are hobbled with some evil habit. What a sad picture can be this race of life. To win the crown we must lay aside every weight, keeping what Paul has in mind when he speaks in Philip­ pians 3:10-14. Sin is not a very popular subject. Although it is only a three letter word, too many are occupied with other things that they would be just as content if it were stricken from our vocabularies. Sin is still the source of all the woe and sor­ row of mankind. It is as permanent as history. Human nature is fallen. The weeds of evil grow easily and quickly in the soil of a heart which has grown cold toward the Lord. In every age and under every con­ dition or culture man's natural tendency is downward instead of upward toward Cod. We all have come into the world with particu­ lar traits and tendencies, picking up the sinfulness of our father Ad-

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