Biola Broadcaster - 1973-09

PHILIPPIANS not to know it!

God which, when applied proper­ ly, can guide us in an understanding of what the Lord's will is for our individual lives (Philippians 3:15). Again, it should be underscored that what the Bible teaches us con­ cerning the conduct of our lives will never go at cross purposes with what the Holy Spirit seeks to lead us in doing. As an example, we know that we are to seek to get along with all men, and to avoid gossip at all costs (Ephesians 6:5, 6). We should have singleness of heart, as unto Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. One of the earmarks of a genuinely con­ verted and spiritually growing per­ son is that he does not chafe and fuss against that which sometimes seems to be working against him. Everything we do in our daily oc­ cupation of life must be done as unto the Lord. Such precepts exceed all boun­ daries and certainly touch the small things with which we wrestle con­ stantly. To see just how God's Word answers to the minutia of life we see the teaching of Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." God says that you are to pursue as a Chris­ tian the best things in life. We have to be certain that we always take our guidelines from the Scrip­ tures. The next vital aspect of being able to determine accurately the will of God is to have daily and even hourly fellowship with the Lord (Psalm 32:8). If God is to

The first of the great biblical principles by which the believer may unquestionably know the will of God is that he must be willing to do the Lord's will even before he knows what it is (John 7:17). This means that we must recognize that in ourselves, humanly and fleshly speaking, we really do not want to do it (Romans 8:7). You see, "the carnal mind is enmity against God." We must learn to say, "Father, even though I do not nat­ urally want your will, nevertheless, I know that it is the best thing for me, and it is necessary for me for my spiritual training. Lead me in the way that I ought to go." This is the very first step in knowing His will. The second great principle is that nothing can be the will of God which is contrary to the Word of God. The two will square exact­ ly with each other. The God who is leading you now is the God who inspired the Bible then. He is not contradictory in His command­ ments. One good example of this is Romans 12:1, 2. If you are a Christian you can take it as an un­ changeable principle that anything which contributes to your spiritual growth in holiness is an aspect of God's will for your life. Anything that hinders your maturity in Christ should be set aside. Although writ­ ten centuries ago, the reality of this exhortation is just as practical in this very moment of time as it was then. Make certain that the Word of God always coincides with what you feel is the will of God rather than trying to super­ impose upon it your own desires. There are some very important principles given in the Word of

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