GWO Lift Commission and Inspection Training Standard V0
Learning objectives:
The participants can explain how to do a visual inspection a roller guide unit (Knowledge, intermediate level). The participants can examine a roller guide unit and recognise when these are in flawless condition (Knowledge, basic level). The participants will take initiative and take responsibility to require the roller guide unit changed when needed in accordance with the relevant manual (Ability, intermediate level).
The instructor shall:
Present examples of roller guide units.
Facilitate practical training on inspecting roller guide units.
Provide individual feedback to participants on their performance.
The participants shall:
Engage in discussions and share experiences on inspecting roller guide units.
Receive and reflect on feedback.
Learning objectives:
The participant can describe the safety inspection labels on the ladder according to relevant manuals (Knowledge, basic level). The participants can describe how to do a visual inspection of the assembly between ladder sections and attachment points according to relevant manuals (Knowledge, basic level). The participants can describe how to do a visual inspection of the omega flanges (of the ties to step of ladder) are not cracked, or broken, in the folds according to relevant manuals (Knowledge, basic level). The participants can recognise that upper and lower braking skates are clean and firmly connected to the ladder according to relevant manuals (Knowledge, basic level).
The instructor shall:
Present visual examples of assemblies between ladder sections and attachment points and skaters connections.
Lead or facilitate discussion on safety related risks on assemblies and flanges.
Global Wind Organisation
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