Lift CI Training Standard ver 01

GWO Lift Commission and Inspection Training Standard V0


The participants shall:

Take active part in discussions and share experiences from working with feed-in of a supply cables.

Learning objectives:

The participants can explain how to do a function test on a strain relief attached to the cabin (Knowledge, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Present and demonstrate examples of how to do function test of a strain relief at the cabin.

Lead or facilitate discussion on safety issues in relation to strain reliefs at the cabin.

The participants shall:

take active part in discussions and share experiences from working with strain reliefs at the cabin.

Learning objectives:

The participants can explain how to do a visual inspection of the cable bin condition (Knowledge, intermediate level). The participants can explain how to do a visual inspection of the cable bin connection to the suspension/crossbeam (Knowledge, intermediate level). The participants can explain how to tighten and replace the cable bin connection to the suspension/crossbeam (Knowledge, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Present examples of cable bin conditions.

Demonstrate how to tighten and replace cable bin connections to suspension/crossbeam.

Lead or facilitate discussion on when and how to tighten and replace cable bin connections to suspension/crossbeam.

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences on cable bins.

Conduct a short questionnaire test to recap the theory and safety issues from lesson 16.

Check own answers and solutions from the shown fact list on completion of the test.

Global Wind Organisation

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