Blue Ridge Mountain

BLUE RIDGE mountain

program DRUG & alocohol DETOX program F amily program C are P rogram continuing Veterans Affairs


specializing in addiction recovery


255 Depot St, Suite 200, Ball Ground, GA 30107


W e provide compassionate, expert care, meeting men and women wherever they may be in their recovery process from addiction. Our intimate setting allows us to provide tailored, focused treatment with individual, small group, and family-inclusive treatment. Our goal is to work with our residents to teach them the skills needed for sustaining long-term recovery. Our MISSION is to impact other human beings in such an AMAZING way that it changes their life forever. Our VISION is to provide acceptance, a sense of belonging, and competency to individuals, families, and communities struggling with the disease of addiction and the recovery process. Our CORE VALUES are at the center recovery. We utilize empathy, understanding and compassion to soften the sometimes harden hearts and minds of some of our clients and their families in hopes to make them hungry for a new life and new purpose. As we work hard to do this we are sensitive to our client’s welfare and confidentiality. We want our clients to feel safe and confident that they can acquire the help they need without sacrificing their privacy. The Blue Ridge staff accomplishes this through their awareness and expertise in the field and by portraying daily integrity in what we do. We also recognize the importance of carrying the message about the disease of addiction and the recovery process to those outside the borders of Blue Ridge. We believe we have an obligation to be educated and versed in such a manner about this disease that we can help society better understand it’s devastating effects and the ways to help people recover. Blue Ridge doesn’t believe people have to want to get help to experience recovery. We believe that when given the right chance in the right atmosphere people can and do recover from this tragic disease. Blue Ridge is that right chance and that right atmosphere. Blue Ridge stands united in passion, dedication, and commitment not only in serving our local community but also our nation. of our services to our clients. We believe in empathy, safety, accountability, honesty, understanding and commitment. Our PHILOSOPHY is to provide the most amazing experience to any individual who walks through our doors whether it is a person seeking treatment or a local vendor making their weekly delivery. Our staff desires to make everyone feel accepted, that they belong and that they become competent about the disease of addiction and the process of

CALL: 855.409.1959

“Avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.”

255 Depot St, Suite 200, Ball Ground, GA 30107

Comprehensive Treatment at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center T he residential treatment program at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center is Georgia’s leading treatment program designed to help those suffering from drug & alcohol addictions and co-

occurring disorders such as depression and anxiety. Program length averages 35 to 45 days.

Upon admission, each resident receives a complete assessment from our caring staff. This

evaluation helps your treatment team create the best possible individualized treatment regimen to

facilitate your recovery. As you progress through the residential program, your treatment plan will be

updated to keep in line with agreed upon goals. Once you have completed the program and are ready to continue your recovery outside of Blue Ridge, we will make sure that all the appropriate tools have been put in place.

Comprehensive Treatment To keep you on the right path

VISIT 255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107 OR CALL 855.409.1959



255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107

B lue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center is proud to offer substance use disorder services for United States military veterans who are seeking behavioral healthcare through the Department of Veterans Affairs Community Care Network. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network (CCN) provides a link between the VA and healthcare providers all over the United States. The CCN was established in 2018 to help veterans find the behavioral health services they need without delay. With the VA’s development of the CCN, veterans can receive treatment from VA facilities as well as authorized providers near them.

The CCN includes thoroughly vetted providers across six different regions within the United States and U.S. territories. To ensure quality services and communication, the VA formed contracts with third-party administrators (TPAs) to develop the regions of the CCN. The VA contracted Optum Public Sector Solutions Inc. and TriWest Healthcare Alliance to serve five of the six regions in the United States. The sixth region, which includes American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, remains uncontracted.

You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.

255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107 855.409.1959 CONTACT

Common Questions How can therapy help me? A number of benefits are available from participating in therapy. Therapists can provide support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for issues such as depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, unresolved childhood issues, grief, stress management, body image issues and creative blocks. Many people also find that counselors can be a tremendous asset to managing personal growth, interpersonal relationships, family concerns, marriage issues, and the hassles of daily life. Therapists can provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or point you in the direction of a solution. The benefits you obtain from therapy depend on how well you use the process and put into practice what you learn. Some of the benefits available from therapy include: • Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values • Developing skills for improving your relationships • Finding resolution to the issues or concerns that led you to seek therapy • Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety • Managing anger, grief, depression, and other emotional pressures • Improving communications and listening skills • Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones • Discovering new ways to solve problems in your family or marriage • Improving your self-esteem and boosting self-confidence Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems. Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have successfully navigated through other difficulties you’ve faced, there’s nothing wrong with seeking out extra support when you need it. In fact, therapy is for people who have enough self-awareness to realize they need a helping hand, and that is something to be admired. You are taking responsibility by accepting where you’re at in life and making a commitment to change the situation by seeking therapy. Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face. Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual.

Why do people go to therapy and how do I know if it is right for me? People have many different motivations for coming to psychotherapy. Some may be going through a major life transition (unemployment, divorce, new job, etc.), or are not handling stressful circumstances well. Some people need assistance managing a range of other issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, addictions, relationship problems, spiritual conflicts and creative blocks. Therapy can help provide some much needed encouragement and help with skills to get them through these periods. Others may be at a point where they are ready to learn more about themselves or want to be more effective with their goals in life. In short, people seeking psychotherapy are ready to meet the challenges in their lives and ready to make changes in their lives. What is therapy like? Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual. In general, you can expect to discuss the current events happening in your life, your personal history relevant to your issue, and report progress (or any new insights gained) from the previous therapy session. Depending on your specific needs, therapy can be short-term, for a specific issue, or longer-term, to deal with more difficult patterns or your desire for more personal development. Either way, it is most common to schedule regular sessions with your therapist (usually weekly).

What about medication vs. psychotherapy? It is well established that the long-term solution to mental and emotional problems and the pain they cause cannot be solved solely by medication. Instead of just treating the symptom, therapy addresses the cause of our distress and the behavior patterns that curb our progress. You can best achieve sustainable growth and a greater sense of well-being with an integrative approach to wellness. Working with your medical doctor you can determine what’s best for you, and in some cases a combination of medication and therapy is the right course of action. Do you take insurance, and how does that work? To determine if you have mental health coverage through your insurance carrier, the first thing you should do is call them. Check your coverage carefully and make sure you understand their answers. Some helpful questions you can ask them: • What are my mental health benefits? • What is the coverage amount per therapy session? • How many therapy sessions does my plan cover? • How much does my insurance pay for an out-of- network provider? • Is approval required from my primary care physician?

It is important to understand that you will get more results from therapy if you actively participate in the process. The ultimate purpose of therapy is to help you bring what you learn in session back into your life. Therefore, beyond the work you do in therapy sessions, your therapist may suggest some things you can do outside of therapy to support your process - such as reading a pertinent book, journaling on specific topics, noting particular behaviors or taking action on your goals. People seeking psychotherapy are ready to make positive changes in their lives, are open to new perspectives and take responsibility for their lives.

It is important to understand that you will get more results from therapy if you actively participate in the process.

Typical Day in Our Residential Treatment Program T he drug and alcohol treatment program is centered around the 12-step model of recovery and uses a holistic approach to make sure the whole person is treated instead of focusing on just his or her symptoms. Each day starts with early morning meditation, followed by a variety of different groups that focus on issues such as relapse prevention and recovery skills. In the residential treatment program, relapse prevention groups are held every day in the morning for an hour and are

followed by another hour-long group. After lunch, clients attend small groups and will then engage in one of our experiential programs. At the end of the day, after dinner, two 12-step groups are held to close out the evening. Clients will have free time every evening until room curfew at 11pm. Clients participate in daily educational and therapeutic activities that may include: • Educational lectures • Group and individual therapy sessions • On-site and off-site 12-step meetings • Recreational activities • Spirituality groups • Men’s/women’s groups • Relapse prevention

Typical Day in Our Residential Treatment Program

T ake the first step on your road to recovery with Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center.

255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107 855.409.1959


Marijuana users are five times more likely to develop an alcohol abuse disorder, according to a new study

When it rains it pours. The old idiom may be familiar to many drug users who often find themselves battling more than one addiction. While previous research has shown multiple substance abuse disorders often go hand in hand, a new study suggests simply using marijuana can lead to a much higher risk of developing an alcohol use disorder.

Finding the Link Researchers at Columbia University analyzed data from 27,461 people who had used marijuana at the time of first testing, but had no history of alcohol related disorders. When researchers checked back three years later, they found marijuana users were five times more likely to have developed an alcohol abuse disorder.

Researchers said they were surprised the link wasn’t between marijuana use disorder, but simply marijuana use itself. “I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks,” says Dr. Renee Goodwin, one of the lead researchers. “It would be particularly useful for youth.” Because youth are at a higher risk of experimenting with both drugs and alcohol, researchers said educating them about the total scope of risk is not only important, but could help curb problematic behaviors. “Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder,” Dr. Goodwin says. “Statistically it should.”

“I think it’s important for people to be aware that there are certain behaviors that come with specific risks.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin


“Preventing or delaying the onset of marijuana use could prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorder.” -Dr. Renee Goodwin


Uses In Treatment For those already struggling with marijuana or alcohol use disorders, researchers said the knowledge that the two behaviors are linked could help people see the bigger picture of their addiction, and could prove useful in their journey toward recovery. “In some ways it may seem self- evident, but it may not be,” Dr. Goodwin says. “If you’re trying to quit drinking, it’s good to know that quitting marijuana could increase your chance of being successful.”

Zero relationship to mood and anxiety disorders As marijuana use has increased in the U.S., with some states even voting for legalization, some have wondered what the psychological cost will be to users. To investigate the question further, other researchers at Columbia University also conducted a recent study to determine if a link exists between increased marijuana use and psychiatric disorders. Although the results, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, mimicked previous research in showing a strong relationship between marijuana use and other substance abuse disorders, the findings in regards to psychiatric disorders were much different. The study showed no relationship between marijuana use and increased instances of mood and anxiety disorders, only substance abuse disorders. But despite the lack of a connection, researchers still cautioned against public policy that could lead to increased marijuana use. “The lack of association between more frequent cannabis use with increased risk of most mood and anxiety disorders does not diminish the important public health significance of the association between cannabis use and increased prevalence and incidence of drug and alcohol use disorders,” the authors wrote. 


Our Staff at Blue Ridge S ome of the experienced professionals that will be helping each client through their journey include:

At Blue Ridge, we believe we have an obligation to be educated and versed about the disease of addiction, so that we can help society better understand its devastating effects and the ways to help people recover. We believe that when given the right chance in the right atmosphere people can and do recover from this tragic disease. Each client who enters our residential program in Georgia will be offered our utmost care.

• Medical Director that is a Board Certified Addictionologist • Psychiatrist that is Board Certified in Addiction Psychiatry • Licensed Nurses • Licensed Professional Counselors, Family and Marriage Therapist, and Social Workers • Certified Addiction Counselor(s) Level I and II • Georgia Certified DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Instructor

• Anger Management Specialist • Relapse Prevention Specialist • Certified Personal Trainer • Music Therapist

255 Depot St, Suite 200, Ball Ground, GA 30107 855.409.1959

Our team will help you put all of the pieces back together.


CALL US: 855.409.1959 VISIT US: 255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107


855.409.1959 255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107 CALL VISIT

A t Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery, we believe in the importance of healing the whole family through our therapy. Located in Ball Ground, near Atlanta, Georgia, Blue Ridge provides a full spectrum of care, offering lasting recovery for all that addiction can impact. At Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, we believe it is vital to provide support to the family and loved ones of our clients who struggle with addiction and mental illness. Blue Ridge is one of the few programs in Georgia offering a family program that is provided at no additional cost to family members and loved ones of clients that are currently in our residential treatment program.

We know how crucial the support of family and loved ones is, so we wish to help those closest to the individuals we treat. We encourage family visitations as they afford family members the opportunity to see the progress their loved one has made in his or her recovery journey. We provide family sessions throughout each client’s stay as deemed appropriate by his or her therapist.

blueridgemountainrecovery . com

“There’s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses.” - Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, University of Massachusetts

Fitness trackers could help prevent relapses

Dr. Carreiro says wearable biosensors can detect a relapse event for some substances (like heroin and cocaine) by sensing a change in heart rate or other physical conditions. The treatment provider can then use the fitness tracker ’s other information, like the time and location of the relapse event, to develop a profile about the conditions that prompt a patient to use. “It gives us very specific contextual information and serves as that reminder to the patient that someone could potentially know right away when they relapse,” Dr. Carreiro says.

Fitness trackers, or wearable biosensors, like Fitbit and Jawbone are the latest fitness trend to gain widespread popularity. But some believe they could be used to treat addiction as well. New research suggests the devices can be used to reliably detect relapses, which could then give treatment providers the information they need to prevent relapses in the future. “There’ s a lot of information that can be gained from when somebody relapses,” says Dr. Stephanie Carreiro, a researcher from the University of Massachusetts.

ACCOUNTABILITY MATTERS That accountability to someone who could see the relapse is an important step in moving past simple self-reporting and drug testing. People can lie during self-reports and drug testing will only show that drugs were used, but not information like how much was used, when it was used, and where. Because the sensors can be easily removed, the system will only work for patients who are truly motivat- ed to stay sober. Dr . Carreiro says rather than a big brother scenario with treatment providers tracking a patient’s movements, the devices simply connect a patient to their support network. “We could potentially trigger an interaction with a patient just seeing if they’re okay and need some help,” Dr. Carreiro says.

“It definitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sober.”

- Dr. Stephanie Carreiro

SIMPLE REMINDER In a study of 15 patients, nearly everyone kept wearing the devices even when relapsing. D r. Car- reiro says that’s because many people are already used to wearing fitness trackers, and the treatment plan simply fits into the daily routines they’ve al - ready established. Researchers also say just having a physical object on a patient ’s wrist to remind them about their dedication to sobriety can be enough to prevent a relapse. “Multiple people looked at it and thought of going back to jail or being there for their children,” D r. Carreiro says. “It definitely served as a reminder that there was something motivating them to stay sobe r.”

WHAT ABOUT PREVENTION? The ultimate goal is to prevent relapses and keep patients on the path to sobriety. While the tech- nology is advancing quickl y, researchers say the collective knowledge base simply isn ’t there yet to predict a relapse event. But as they conduct more studies and develop better algorithms with the information gained, they should be able to tailor interventions to a specific patient and hopefully keep them from relapsing. “We need to continue to define different pro - files so that we can get a more complete under - standing of what ’ s happening,” D r. Carreiro says. “That’s when it will be the most powerful.”

B lue Ridge Mountain Recovery offers a top detox program individuals struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Located in Ball Ground, near Atlanta, Georgia, Blue Ridge

provides a full spectrum of care, offering lasting recovery.

Detoxification is the process of allowing a toxic substance to leave the body. If an individual

has been dependent on a substance for some time, detox may be an uncomfortable or challenging

experience. The symptoms each person may experience during a drug & alcohol detox program will

vary based on the length of time the individual was taking the drug, the dose, the use of additional

substances and the individual’s overall health. That is why Blue Ridge in Georgia offers a dedicated,

medically-supervised, detox program.


855.409.1959 call us today

255 Depot St, Suite 200 Ball Ground, GA 30107



Y ou face many challenges each day, but you don’t have to face them alone. Let Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center help you discover your inner strength and overcome your trials with confidence.

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