Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — February 14 - 27, 2014 — 23A
Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women
2014 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors
FromBuilders Square toWest EndMedical Center: The changing nature of healthcare real estate
P resident C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEED AP S pillman F armer A rchhitects P resident E lect A drienne K wiatek -H olub N ational P enn B ank
Allentown, PA: More than 60 members and guests of Commercial Real Estate Women, Lehigh Valley PA (CREW LV PA) attended a lunch time panel discussion about trends in health care and their impact on the real estate market on January 28. Moderated by CREW LV President Krista Kraf- tician, AIA, LEED AP, the event took place at St. Luke’s West End Medical Center; the 110,000 SF building had originally been a Home Depot and later functioned as the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Members of the design and construction team along with administrators from St. Luke’s University Health Network system discussed the building’s transformation and trends that influenced the building’s outcomes. Beverly Snyder, St. Luke’s vice-president of patient care, noted that healthcare and wellness initiatives are mov- ing away from the hospital setting and becoming more part of community life. Frank Ford, president of St. Luke’s Allentown, said that site se- lection criteria for healthcare now mirrors those for retail;
P ast P resident M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz I nsurance
S ecretary C atherine D urso , E sq . F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. C orresponding S ecretary P am S ullivan D esign P oint , I nc . T reasurer C indy M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & A ssoc . D irector at L arge J essica G entile N orthstar C onstruction M anagement /P olaris
Moderated by CREW LV President Krista Kraftician, AIA, LEED AP, the event took place at St. Luke’s West End Medical Center; the 110,000 SF building had originally been a Home Depot and later functioned as the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
convenience and traffic access are very important. Anthony Scarcia, president of Allied Building Corporation, pointed out that repurposing the exist- ing structure to the new use streamlined the construction timeline. Zoning was already in place and parking existed for more than 700 cars, factors that paved the way for project completion within 17 months of property acquisition. Mark Thompson, a founding partner of MKSDArchitects, discussed
the challenges of designing spaces within a 300’ x 300’ square building. A master plan was developed to identify optimal locations for various functions within a big box with vast interior space. Radiology, for example, would not benefit from windows while fitness activities would. Mr. Ford noted the total build out will be phased over five to ten years. Services cur- rently offered include: pediat- ric emergency care; walk-in
medical care; lab services; im- aging; ob/gyn care; occupation- al medicine; a state-of-the-art fitness center and sports and human performance center St. Luke’s acquired the 17 acre site for 6.4 million dollars in 2011 and invested almost 8 million dollars in transform- ing the building and site. The project was funded in part by a grant from the Com- monwealth’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). n
M embership K elly B erfield T he D ietrick G roup , LLC
K aren D ureholz B oyle C onstruction
P ublic R elations T ina R oseberry SSM G roup
SPONSORS GOLD Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, PC.; Liberty Property Trust; Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, PA; PennCap Properties; Servpro; Spillman Farmer Architects PATRON Boyle Construction Management; Langan Engineering & Environmental Services; NAI Summit Commercial Real Estate Services; North Star Construction Management; Pennoni CONTRIBUTORS Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits, LLP – CPA; Hampson Mower Kreitz Insurance; Lafayette Ambassador Bank; MKSD Architects; Regan, Levin Bloss Brown & Savchak, PC. –CPAS; Sperry Van Ness Imperial Realty FRIENDS Barry Isett & Associates, Inc.; Buckno Lisicky & Co - CPA; CBRE; Dietrick Group, LLC; Feinberg Real Estate Advisors; Greater Reading Berks Economic Partnership; J.G. Petrucci, Inc.; Ondra-Huyett Associates, Inc.; National Penn
L isa P ektor P enn C ap P roperties
C ommunity S ervices S andra K uhns K& H C ustom W indows P rograms K risten H olmes , P.E. H olmes C unningham E ngineeriing
L ou Y urkanin S perry V an N ess I mperial R ealty
For Membership Information Contact kberfield@dietrickgroup.com
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