
www.marejournal.com P ennsylvania S potlight P a ’ s E ngineers Susan Sprague, PE president of the PA Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) Happy National Engineers Week to all engineers in Pennsylvania N first engineer and his found- ing of the nation’s first engi- neering school at West Point, NY in 1778. changed its name to Disco- verE. Engineering is having a passion to make a difference and the technical know-how to achieve it. ational Engineers Week, February 16– 22, recognizes engi- Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — February 14 - 27, 2014 — C

mining equipment, and stream restorations. Some provide entertainment, like smart phones, bobsled tracks, and movie special effects. Others you hope you never need, such as lifesaving medical devices and rescue equipment, but all are the result of engineers designing solutions to real problems. The celebration of National Engineers Week was started in 1951 by the National Soci- ety of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in conjunction with George Washington’s birth- day. Washington’s agricul- tural, military, engineering and surveying skills led to his recognition as our nation’s

The Future City program brings engineering to life for teams of middle school stu- dents, teachers and engineers who work together thru the design process to design cit- ies. Several regional events were held last month to select winners to advance to the national finals this month in Washington DC. DiscoverE has become a resource for students interested in engi- neering careers, educators and parents of potential engi- neers, and for engineers inter- ested in mentoring students. Go to www.discovere.org .

neers and the various ways that the engi- neering pro- fession im- pacts every aspect of our daily lives. “Let’sMake a Difference”

In Pennsylvania, the mem- bers of NSPE are having numerous regional banquets this week to honor the best engineers, the top engineer- ing educators, and the top engineering projects. During the month of Feb- ruary, approximately 1,200 middle school students will participate in regional MATH- COUNTS competitions, coor- dinated mostly by engineers. You can look these up at www. pspe.org. But the National Engineers Week Foundation has broadened its scope and

Engineers are not usually skilled at tooting our own horn and telling people what we do so we need events like National Engineers Week and sites like DiscoverE to help us take the time to educate the public, find a way to volunteer, and be recognized for what we all love to do. Susan K Sprague, PE is a project manager for Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson. She received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University in 1986. n

Susan K. Sprague

is the 2014 theme, and invites the public to learn about the interesting things engineers do. Some things are big and easy to see, like schools, air- ports, and air conditioning, and others are less visible, like underground water mains,

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