10C — February 14 - 27, 2014 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
P ennsylvania ’ s E ngineers
In architecture, construction, and engineering The ACE Mentor Program: Engaging high school students to pursue and excel in careers
he national non-profit ACE (Architects, Con- structors, Engineers) Mentor Program engages, excites, and enlightens high school students to pursue ca- reers in the integrated con- struction industry through mentoring, and supports their continued advancement in the industry through scholarships and grants. Students are re- cruited from public and private schools, with special efforts made to reach traditionally underrepresented women and minorities. The program operates 62 T
ACE Mentor Program Students Tour a Philadelphia Construction Site
ACE Mentor Program Students Work with a Mentor
affiliates covering 40 states and 200+ cities. Over $12 mil- lion in scholarships have been awarded. Countless young lives have been positively affected. Students work in teams led by volunteer mentors repre- senting owners, architects, construction managers, con- tractors, and engineers. From November until May, teams meet bi-weekly after school to experience the entire design process. Teams visit offices, take field trips to construction sites, and gather to present their projects to assembled mentors, family, and friends, much as an actual design team presents to clients. TheACE Eastern Pennsylva- nia Affiliate reaches students in greater Philadelphia. For the 2013-2014 school year, 11 teams are providing exposure to A/C/E careers while offering life skills coaching and college and career guidance. Mentor feedback is over- whelmingly positive: Being part of ACE is extremely fulfill- ing and rewarding watching students grow as they build self-esteemand understand the many aspects of ACE careers. Marie H. Wright, Safety Manger, Worth & Company, Inc. (ACE Mentor). n ACE Mentor Alumnus Kenneth Murphy Speaks at the 2013 Schol- arship Breakfast
Join over 400 A/C/E industry colleagues for networking, breakfast, and awards to raise money and support for the ACE Mentor Program. HPDLOHDVWHUQSD#DFHPHQWRURUJIRUGHWDLOV
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