College Bound 2021





LEE SHULMAN BIERER The Charlotte Observer T

he to-do list for high school seniors seems to be grow- ing longer each day. When they’re not doing homework, participating in their extra-

curricular activities, hanging with friends, sleeping, eating or texting, they’re probably thinking about their college list, testing, upcoming campus visits, college applications, the Com- mon Application essay, the Coalition essay, supplemental essays, transcripts, an activity list, letters of recommenda- tion, final test prep, sending test scores and scholarships. Are you tired or stressed? Think about how they must feel. Let’s try to de-stress the situation by creating a fall timeline and breaking each of these bigger tasks into more manage- able pieces. Check them off as you complete them: Ô F inalize the college list by making sure it is a balanced list with reach/ target/safety schools. Be sure to in- clude an in-state safety school for financial reasons.

Ô Review the standardized testing

calendar and register for the SAT in October, November or

timeline A fall for high school seniors

December, or the ACT in October or December, if needed.

Ô Find out if any of the col- leges on your list recommend or re- quire SAT subject tests and register for those tests. Ô Check your school’s calendar. Take advantage of any teacher work days and schedule campus visits. Ô See if any of the colleges you’re considering offer open house dates or discovery days for seniors. Ô Determine which schools offer Early Action.

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