

22. Fashionable 25. Draperies 27. Burrowing rodent 29. Crowed 31. Steel attractor



32. Disregard 33. Awakened 34. Withstand 36. Rest 37. Swerved


Tomato and Leek Soup

38. Birch trees' kin 41. ____ out (quits) 45. Provoke 47. Whirlpool bath

ARIES You are in need of a boost to your self- esteem. You will feel better about yourself by taking care of some simple details, like buying a new outfit or experimenting with a new hairstyle. TAURUS Your exquisite taste will be at front and centre this week, especially as you think about redecorating your home. You’ll also discover a nice sum of money at the bot- tom of a pocket. GEMINI You will be able to express yourself with distinction. You may also cause some jeal- ousy by being the centre of attention. CANCER With a bit of imagination you could quite easily generate another source of rev- enue for yourself. This will likely involve an enjoyable activity that requires a lot of creativity. LEO There seems to be a lot of action on the horizon for you this week. If you have young children, there will probably be a few adjustments to make at home in order to keep the peace. VIRGO This is a good week to recharge your bat- teries and meet some needs for relax- ation. Try to visit your massage therapist or your esthetician to treat yourself. LIBRA You will be surrounded by people this week, so try and look your best as often as you can. Your elegance will enable you to widen your circle of friends. SCORPIO You’re the type of person who tends to take on too much. Work on delegating this week, and you will see a reduction in stress. SAGITTARIUS You might stumble onto a great vacation bargain, although you should perhaps wait a bit before asking your boss for time off. CAPRICORN A new diet would be really good for you. You might be tempted to change the way you eat after some type of excess. Expect some really positive changes at work. AQUARIUS Your love life will be a priority this week, and you will experience some happy moments with your loved one. If you’re single, you may meet your soul mate. PISCES You might be the happy recipient of a generous salary increase at work. You will also think about developing a small home-based business that can grow into a resounding success.


Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Feel pain

26. More delicious 28. Fake hair 30. High tennis shot 31. Wonder 35. Baby insect 39. Greatly anticipating 40. Story starter 42. Squiggly one 43. African antelopes 44. Ruckus 45. Went too fast 46. Denials 47. Confound 48. Tiny skin opening 49. Before, to a poet 50. Cheer (up) 51. Computer operator 52. Koppel or Danson

53. Picnic drinks 54. Cincinnati's nine DOWN 1. Snakes 2. Neckwear 3. U.S. Open winner Sukova 4. Widemouthed pitcher 5. Honolulu hello 6. Apt 7. Frolicsome 8. Porker's home 9. African trip 10. Pumpkin's color

5. Italian peaks 9. Have a bawl 12. Selected a card 13. Light rhythm 14. Onassis, to friends 15. Hill's opposite 16. Give approval to 17. ____ Albert 18. By any possibility 19. Attention-getting word 20. Speak violently 21. Zipped 22. Cow's offspring


11. Harsh-tasting 20. Cuban music

23. Persuade 24. Stockpile

This soup can be prepared in a snap because it’s cooked in the microwave. Furthermore, it has the taste of a slowly cooked soup.

INGREDIENTS: • 2 large leeks, trimmed, washed and finely sliced • 625 ml (2 1/2 cups) boiling water • 625 ml (2 1/2 cups) tomato juice • Dash Worcestershire sauce • 1 ml (1/4 tsp) celery seeds • Shake garlic powder • Salt • Freshly ground black pepper • 4 tomatoes, skinned and sliced


DIRECTIONS: Put the leeks and water into a large bowl, cover and cook for 5-6 minutes on high. Remove half the leeks with a slotted spoon and set aside. Purée the remaining leeks and cooking liquid in a blender. Pour back into the bowl and add the tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, celery seeds and garlic powder. Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes on high until hot, stirring once during cooking. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in reserved leeks and sliced toma- toes, cover and cook for 3 minutes on high, stirring once during cooking. Ladle into individual serving dishes.


HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box .

Recipe and photo : The Complete Microwave Cookbook, Judith Ferguson, Collins Royal.

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