King's Business - 1920-09



die. Pathetic and sad their position, and yet what joy, if many of these should come to see the ljght that never faileth and the life which is in Christ! Saved from Bahaism To see a man accept Christ is a won­ derful privilege, and to know that he stands is a great joy. This man of whom we desire to speak was one saved in spite of his old age and many diffi­ culties. He had had Christian train­ ing and good home influence, but never had put his trust in the finished work of Christ. After hearing many views of different friends, he almost gave up hope that he could be saved. He was not satisfied and longed to really know. Reading he liked, and a message in print was given him, but first a mes­ sage from the Book by lip. Time passed by, and seeing him again after a long time, he seemed to be very'much in darkness, although much prayer was offered to God in his behalf. A long talk followed, and the cause of his trouble and his inability to see Christ in the Word was revealed. He pulled out a little booklet on the claims, false through and through, of one called Abdul Baha and tried to find help there. “What do you think of this,” he asked. “ I have been reading it.” When! told of the lies, of the system, he decided that he would accept Christ or no one. Later, he accepted Christ and made a full confession. After a long time he was met in a meeting, sitting in front, singing Gospel hymns. Pray for This Officer A Customs Officer, long an infidel, and finally interested in Eddyism, was delivered from that delusion and prayer is asked here, that he may be saved, as he is soon to retire and cannot be reached by the worker. God softened his heart, gave the worker opportunity to speak for over an hour and a half to him without his saying the usual things, such as, “ But Science says,” or “ But it is impossible to believe it,” etc. He was quiet and apparently deeply moved, yet not saved. Will you not pray for him? God’s Prepared Man A conversion bringing much joy to the worker occurred only a day ©r so ago. God gave the worker the convic- tibn that a soul would be given him that day on a certain ship. A young man was found, the only one by him­ self at that time. The worker thought, “ This must be ‘my man’.” Well, he

was the worker’s man, but not God’s man, and the interview revealed that the dear lad was very indifferent and wanted to put things off until another convenient, bajmy day, when he felt he could oblige the Lord and do Him the favor of accepting His Son. There are so many of those in the world. The worker finally left him and soon found a fine young wireless operator, reading and at ease, to whom- the message was given. He sat up, listened and finally said, “No, I cannot say I ever accepted Christ. I am leading a better life than some, but it did not occur to me that I needed to personally accept Him as my own Saviour, but I will do so now!” Here was God’s prepared man. T’he Spirit had moved upon his heart and brought home the message and the promised man was found, a new soul for Himself. OSCAR ZIMMERMAN, Superintendent. places many of the old faces are miss­ ing and when we asked after Big Bill, Slim Tom and Old Dad, we were told some had drifted back East and some had “ gone West” and we wonder whether these boys who were among our audiences week after week, year in and year out, and yet who never gave any evidence of any real work of grace in their hearts or living faith in Christ, definitely closed in with Him ere the shadows sank and they crossed the bar. We cannot but question, “ where are these souls?” Are they absent from the body and present with the Lord, (which surely is far better), or have they gone out into the blackness of darkness forever and ever ? Then the question rises, “ Were we faithful with the Gospel message? Did we make it clear and plain or did the trumpet give forth an uncertain sound?” May God enable us to take the strength, zeal and grace He has for us to warn every man, beseeching them to be reconciled to God ere the Master of the house rises up and shuts to the door. SHOP WORK David Cant Again On the Job It didn’t seem possible that nearly a year had slipped away since we turned over the shop work until, returning, we discovered the change in the men, es­ pecially in the ear barns and fire engine houses. Among the manufacturing

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