King's Business - 1920-09

THE KI NG ’ S BUSINESS knock out that prop and the system falls like a pack of cards. “ Mrs. White came into the limelight just at the time the Fox sisters did; she was of an altogether different or­ der, and none denounce spiritism more than they, but to me Mrs. White’s vis­ ions are of the same nature and from the same source as were the clairvoy- ancies of the Fox sisters. Mrs. White being a delicate super-emotional relig­ ionist, made her a good subject for Satan to work on as the originator of a false religious system, with a Bible tied to the end of the tail of its kite. How intelligent people could swallow some of her visions as of God is past my comprehension. Her vision concern­ ing ‘the second death’ is gruesome in the extreme, and clearly Satanic in origin. That it is Unscriptural would seem to me to be apparent to the veriest simpleton. “ Attack this system at its fountain head, and save as many as you can from its treacherous sands. Their Seventh Day card is their strongest card, and they play it the most. Their second best, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, upon which subject they are glaringly unsound. Their millen­ nium is but a farce. They are unsound on the atonement, just where they are least suspected of being unsound. Tak­ ing them all around they are a great menace to be reckoned with.” OUR RKSPONSIBILITY The Alpha and Omega of all Chris­ tianity is, seeking the lost, fishing for men, going with the Gospel to those who need it. And you might as well try to write a book without an alpha­ bet as to build a church without the soul-winning spirit. Shakespeare, with all his knowledge, never got beyond the alphabet— he had to take that with him. Sir Isaac Newton when he wrote the “ Principia” never got beyond the mul­


tiplication table. Beethoven, Mozart, Handel, in their great oratorios, never got beyond the musical scale they had learned at first. And soul-winning is the alphabet, the multiplication table, the scale of God’s music here in the world. THE DEVIL’S DELUSIONS Satan increases in attractiveness the nearer he comes to you. When he dines at your house, when he comes down to talk with you about your annual invest­ ments, when he talks to you about social problems, when- he discusses with you certain movements in society, when he brings to your attention certain motives and certain policies relating to the world outside, it is extraordinary how pleasant is his appearance and how plausible his suggestions. He does not talk with you for long before you begin to rub your chin and to smile and say: “ Well, well, I never thought of that before. That sounds to me like plain, practical com­ mon sense.” It is only as you are able to look at him through the vista of the years, as you are able to discover the result of his machinations on the page of history, that you discover him to be what he is, the arch fiend!— John Gard­ ner. BLACK AND BRIGHT SIDES Dan Crawford, the African missionary, and author of “ Thinking Black,” says: “ The binder of the Bible, seemingly, is as important a personage as its trans­ lator, for my little pocket edition opens automatically at Genesis and Romans. Surely not the binder, but the Author, does this wonderful thing for me when in trouble, my Bible opening simul­ taneously at the black side in Gen. xlii. and the bright side in Rom. viii.: “ All these things are against me” (Gen. xlii. 36); “ All thinjgs work together for good” (Rom. viii. 28).

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