King's Business - 1920-09

THE KI NG ’ S BUSINESS whereby the Judean ridge about Jerusa­ lem becomes a plain and a river flows forth from the temple, a double river, or two rivers, according to Ezekiel 47:9, which may be explained by the two streams of Zech. 14:8, which flow to the Dead and the Mediterranean Seas. God has richer plans for his land than any man.— Prayer and Work for Israel. Jews Coming to the Front The editor of “ Chosen People” gives some valuable facts concerning the Jews: “ The great Italian historian, Feri, in an essay, ‘The Jews in Modern Civiliza­ tion,’ published a few years ago, says that European Jews forming only one- fifth part of the Jewish people have con­ tributed more to the civilization and culture of the 19th century than many great and civilized people in Europe. In the recent war every country had its Jewish financial expert. France had Klotz; Germany, Rathenau and Ballin; England, Lord Reading and Edwin Mon­ tagu and Samuel; the United States, Baruch, Meyer and a host of others. The Jew is the greatest linguist in the world. It was Zamenhof the Jew, who created the new language, Esperanto, whereby he was able to tbink with all peoples. We find Jewish achievement most prom­ inent in every field of scientific en­ deavor. In Botany, Ferdinand Julius Cohn, made possible the discovery by Robert Koch, of the Tubercle Bacillus. Six other Jews have won world fame in Botany. A large number of Jews have been very prominent on the field or chemistry. The geological works of Jews are most noteworthy, especially those of Thomas Davidson and Emil Cohn. Heinrich Herz, the Jew, has greatly contributed to the knowledge of physics. His ‘Electro Magnetic Waves’ looms large before the student’s eyes. The first telephone was constructed by a Jewish physicist, Philip Reis.”


“WHAT HARM IS IT?” Young man, young woman, never ask that question again. “ What good is there in it?” is the question you should raise. The former character­ izes you as being among the ungodly. Ungodliness is to be unlike God. The latter characterizes you as desiring to be among the righteous. Did you ever hear any person ask, “ Is there any harm in going to church?” “ Is there any harm in family prayer?” “ Is there any harm in reading the Bi­ ble?” No; and why? Because it is a well-known fact that there is no harm in them. If you would be a successful Chris­ tian, stop hunting for the harm there is in things, and seek the good. If you want your life to be happy, cast your lot among those persons who are ask­ ing for the “ good” and not the “ harm” there is in it.—Watchword. a » a » ETERNAL THINGS In the early ministry of Dr.-Chalmers he had been given to scientific studies and published a pamphlet in which he reflected severely upon such ministers as did not do the same. Years after, this pamphlet was cast up to him in the General Assembly to show his in­ consistency in then urging what he now discarded. Having acknowledged him­ self the author of the pamphlet, he added, “ Alas, sir! so I thought in my ignorance and pride. I have now no reserve in declaring that the sentiment was wrong; and, in giving utterance to it, I penned what was outrageously wrong. Strangely blinded that I was! What, sir, is the object of mathematical science?—magnitude, and the propor­ tions of magnitude. But then, sir, I had forgotten two magnitudes. I thought not of the littleness of time: I recklessly thought not of the great­ ness of eternity.”

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