WEDNESDAY, Sept. 1. 2 2 .
1 Kings 6:11-
strength and beauty. Chambers were built against the temple on the north, west and south sides. Enclosing the temple proper was the court of the priests, and surrounding this was an other court, known as the Court of the Gentiles. In front of the porch was the altar of burnt offering, and between that and the porch was the brazen sea. In the most holy place was the ark of the covenant. The outstretched wings of the two cheru bim above the mercy seat, extended the entire length of the room. FRIDAY, Sept. 3. 1 Kings 8:1-11. The Temple Dedicated. The prayer of dedication and God’s acceptance of the house, 2 Chron. 7:1-4, are full of rich instruction. Solomon stood on a platform erected for the occasion and addressed the assembled congregation. He first' addressed the Lord, declaring that he had built for Him a permanent abode. He then gave the history of the building of the house, and in the remainder of his prayer invoked Divine mercy for the people when they should be in need. The prayer covered times of drought, fam ine, pestilence and war. He asked that the people might be forgiven on con dition that they confessed their sins, turned from them and asked for par don, praying with their faces toward the temple. He prayed not only for the Israelite, but for the stranger also. Solomon arose from his knees and pro nounced a benediction upon the people. This was followed by a great sacrifice in which thousands of victims were offered. SATURDAY, Sept. 4. 1 Kings 8:22-30. Solomon’s Prayer. The dedication of the temple was the
The Temple Building Completed. Solomon’s great work and that for which his reign is most noteworthy, was the building of the temple. It was one of the most famous and splendid structures of ancient times. It was built on Mount Moriah, the southeastern hill of Jerusalem, consecrated centuries before by the typical sacrifice of Isaac, the child of promise. A large space was. leveled off for this purpose. It was built facing the east, its longer dimen sion therefore being east and west. The porch extended the whole length of the temple proper and was fifteen feet deep and one hundred and eighty feet high. Counting a cubit eighteen inches, the temple itself was ninety feet long, thirty feet wide and thirty feet high. It was an exact reproduction of the tabernacle in the wilderness, only double in size. The temple in reality was the sacred tent in marble and gold. The amount of labor, wealth and skill expended upon this magnificent sanctuary almost surpasses belief. 1 Chron. 22:14-16. 1 Kings 5:13-18. THURSDAY, Sept. 2. 1 King 6:23-35. The Temple Adorned. The world has never seen a costlier structure than the temple of Solomon or one more dazzlingly beautiful. From the foundation to the roof the front was covered over with plates of solid gold. When the morning sun arose, the marble and gold reflected his rays with such an added glory, that one stand ing on the Mount of Olives and look ing upon it, had to shade his eyes. In front of the temple and forming a part of the porch were two stately pillars, called Jachin and Boaz, signifying
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