THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Page and his friends, went out of doors for about five minutes. Upon returning they found the floor cleaned perfectly, but the two witnesses had been driven into a sorry plight indeed. One of them, who had in some respects become like a dead man, had to be placed in an asylum. Twenty years later he was known to be still there. The other man was able to tell somewhat of the horrify ing sight which had such crushing re sults. Briefly stated, it was that a startling looking beast, somewhat like a big black dog, had come to the spot of grease and with its long tongue of fire had licked it all up! The report of this matter so terrified the people of that section that for a long period they were afraid to go out after dark. The second one of the two witnesses lived for ten years afterwards a useless, terror- stricken life. He was always looking wildly around him and would never go to bed alone. This Missouri affair actually revealed something of the real character of those “ seducing spirits” of which it is “ ex pressly” foretold in I Tim. 4:1 that they would mislead willing ones in these “ latter times.” Dr. W., being one of those who had allowed himself to be seduced by them therefore had a real warrant for his awful forebodings about the kind of a spirit which would meet him at the gate of death. What a fear ful prospect! And yet if he had even in his closing years, as he had been repeatedly urged, given as fair and full a test to the Scriptural way as he had to the opposite way, he would have found the salvation of the Lord and ob tained the true Christian’s comforting assurance of being finally carried up from the gate of death by good angels to the abodes of eternal glory.
896 tipping, lifting or rapping on tables. None but beings of a fallen nature would require cabinets or darkness in which to do their work. Surely none but traveling agents for the Abyss could consent to manipulate such things as jplanchette and ouija boards to enter tain and thus deepen the sleep of un saved souls who are upon the brink of hell! The truth is that spiritism is just one of the many “ strong delusions” which demons are permitted to operate in this probationary life of ours, in which we are being tested upon all lines. It is only rarely, tho, that the devil ishness of the nature of these demons becomes visible as it did at a seance held many years ago in Lincoln County, Mo. Mr. W. T. Page, formerly of that place, but for years past well known as a reliable Christian man living at 6180 Aldama St., Los Angeles, gives the fol lowing brief account of that seance. He, with five friends who, like him, believed spiritism was all satanic, went on that night to the spiritualist neighbor’s house to investigate. First, they saw a centre table untouched by human hands, rise up at the lady medium’s bidding to the' ceiling and remain there as if glued, until told to come down. Next, with four heavy men gripping its legs it went up again with them just as easily as it did at first. After some other per formances with the furniture, the centre table was tipped and a lighted candle which the medium had placed upon it was dumped to the floor. Melting there, it left an unsightly grease spot upon the white pine boards. This was not rel ished by the man of the house and he asked the spirit if it could remove the grease. 'Affirmative raps were made in reply, but the spirit signified it would do nothing while the people remained in the house. Two strong-minded men, however, claiming that they could stand it, remained to witness the cleansing. The rest of the company, including Mr.
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