THE KI NG’ S BUSINESS ment that has not the slightest evidence to support it.) Page 22— “ All forms of premillen- nialism are delusive in principle and vicious in practice.” Page 24— “ Missionaries of pessimism |§—vainly praying God to destroy the very world that the suppliant himself ought to be struggling to reform— menace to the nation’s morale.” These statements are so bristling with hatred and so wide of the real truth that any person possessed of a Chris tian spirit would discount them at least seventy-five per cent even though they knew nothing of the doctrine of oui\ Lord’s coming. No better illustration may he found of the word “ scoffers” (2 Pet. 3:3, 4), who are, we are told, in the last days to deny the literal coming of Christ. Mr. Case’s methods will never succeed in annihilating the premillen- nial belief. He must first get rid of the Bible, for so long as men and wo men may read the plain statements of Scripture they are going to believe and teach that the coming of the Lord is
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