ought to be was to give human nature fair play, to afford it every opportunity • in its upward thrust. The present appalling condition of the world is simply shouting out a scornful repudiation and denial of those general views of human nature whicit we have been so fondly cherish ing. Do you not think the world to day gives the knockout blow, as our tloyd George put it, to the theory of a natural and inevitable progress? Do they not flatly deny the idea that, given culture and education, human nature will reveal itself as the beautiful thing it really is? Human nature stands re vealed to us, has been standing revealed to us for the past five years, stark and naked. It has not been very pretty to look at either. The tiger and the beast have not been killed. They have not been eliminated; they have been upper most. It is not progress we see, but perversion. It is not advance we have been looking at, but reversion to the' primitive savage. Here we have been at this time of day engaged ih the big gest, cruelest, most bloody and murder ous war in all history. Where does our vaunted progress come in? Why, if the newspapers, told us the truth in the course of the war, in the very methods tbe soldiers employed— clubs, for in stance— they have gone back to the primitive methods of centuries ago. In deed I am not so sure, when I remem ber poisoned gas and a few other things, that barbarities were not perpetrated in the w£r that has just finished that never shamed our race before. Just think of those millions of struggling men, about twenty millions of them all together. They were really back to the brute stage. And when you think of it all, these past five years, tell me where the inevitable progress of the race comes in. There is only one way of really ac counting for our bloodstained battle fields, for our heaps of dead, for our
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